Chapter Forty-nine

Start from the beginning

Amy swallows her bite of breakfast. I take a few bites out mine.

"It doesn't really surprise me. You two are, like, made for each other. All couples have bumps down the road. Some are worse than others. I wouldn't give up on him so soon, Mackenzie."

With that left hanging in the air, Amy and I finish the breakfast. I offer to wash the dishes since Amy cooked breakfast. While Amy gets dressed in her bed room, I pour dish soap on the green sponge before cleaning the plates. Rinsing my plate with the warm water, I hear the front door being knocked on. I shut the water off and wonder who would be at the door this early in the morning. Maybe it's Tyson?

Wiping my wet hands on my jean covered thighs; I then unlock the door and open it. Ashton stands before me, wearing a red t-shirt and jeans. He gives me a half-smile. I wipe the surprised look on my face.

"What are you doing here?" I rudely ask.

My cheeks flame at how rude I was to him. Ashton shrugs it off.

"I still want to talk to you." He says.

I tighten my hold on the doorknob, ready for any moment to close the door. I hear Amy gasp from behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I see she has changed out of her pajamas and is now walking over to me with jeans and a sweater on.

"Ashton!" She exclaims over dramatically. "I did not know you were coming here today!"

Another thing I have learned about Amy is when she's lying. Whenever Amy lies, she starts to talk over dramatically as if it's completely normal. I give a glare to my friend. She smiles warmly at me. Ashton widens his eyes when he realizes I didn't know he was coming over. He then rubs the back of his neck while also looking down at his boot covered feet.

"Why don't you come on in inside. We weren't going anywhere." Amy says.

Grinding my teeth, I step aside and allow Ashton to walk into the apartment. He scans his eyes over the place briefly before looking back at me. He gives me a genuine smile. There's the dimples.

"The place looks nice." He compliments.

"Thanks." I mumble back. "I'll be right back."

I rush to the bathroom and slam the door closed. My hand reaches for my tooth brush and tooth paste. I quickly put some of the minty paste on the bristles before putting it in my mouth and scrubbing. Oh, my god. Amy set me up. When I finishing brushing my teeth, I look at my reflection to see if I look presentable.

I got this. Opening the bathroom door, I walk out and head to the living room. Ashton is sitting on the couch, and Amy is nowhere to be seen. He's looking at the small coffee table.

About a month again, Amy went through this Pinterest craft faze. One of her projects was changing the living room's coffee table. The one craft she loved the most was the picture one. What you pretty much do is collage pictures on top of the table and then put a glass covering over it. The glass protects the pictures from spillage and food.

Ashton points to one of the pictures.

"That day was fun." He comments.

I look down at the picture he's pointing to. It's a class photo of our freshman class when we went to the city one time for some reason. I cringe at the freshman year old me when I notice how young and awkward I look. The group isn't big like a freshman class would normally be. I recognize Ashton's messy brown hair in the photo. Carter and his baseball buddies are huddled together with Ashton. Haze is standing beside me with her arm wrapped around my shoulders. Amy is then in front, bent down at an awkward angle.

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