Chapter 7: Homecoming

Start from the beginning

Midoriya: Holy Smokes

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Midoriya: Holy Smokes...!!

Y/N: Beautiful, isn't it?

Ruby: Y-Yeah...!!

With that you all started moving. You sensed Kalasha's energy nearby, and could easily locate him if you were on your own, but you had to stick together.

You all started running into the horizon. Everybody following you as you were the only one who could sense Kalasha's energy.

Issei: Say, Y/N. Why don't we just use Instant Transmission to get there...?

Y/N: Actually...You have a good point! Grab hold, guys!

Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, and Akko all placed their hands upon your back as your fingertips met with your forehead. You tried to lock onto his energy, but something was off.

Y/N: Huh...Weird...let me try again.

As you stated, you attempted to lock onto Kalasha and warp to him, but no luck. It was like he wasn't even here.

Y/N: I can't do it...why can't I do it?!

Midoriya: What...?

Ruby: Does that mean he's not here...?

Y/N: No, I can sense his energy, but I can't lock onto's almost as if something's disrupting my reading on his power...!

Issei: Like a bad Internet connection?

Y/N: ...I guess you could see it that way...Tch!

Your eyes suddenly sped to look to your left as you now sensed something else. Somebody else at that. It wasn't Kalasha.

Y/N: Someone's approaching the us...You guys know what to do...Don't lower your guard, even for a second. We don't know if their a friend or foe...

???: That Depends...

Upon hearing a female voice softly speak into your ear you instinctively jerked forward and turned around. Everybody else wide eyed to see someone standing between You and them.



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The Next Generation: Final Road! (BNHA x RWBY x DxD x LWA x Male Saiyan Reader) Where stories live. Discover now