The meetnig

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Kiyondo doesn't feel that much of a difference. Except that his head feels suddenly...empty...quiet. The voices in his head finally calmed down...

"Well shit"

Kiyotaka's eyes open impossibly wide as he processes the voice. A sound that he thought he would never be able to hear again.

"Who would have thought that it'd actually fucking work..."

Kiyotaka's head turns so fast he can almost feel the whiplash, eyes starting to sting.

"M" His gaze settles on the big figure before him "Mon"

Mondo stands tall, looking at him with bright, tender, alive eyes.

"Those... those wooden dolls... They look pretty cool" He lifts a hand to awkwardly scratch his neck "I could say I'm actually jealous they look so -"

He doesn't know exactly when he started moving, but suddenly he founds himself against Mondo's chest, clawing at his tank top like his life depended on it. Feeling his breathing quickening and his eyes flooding. Warm tears wet the fabric against his face and hands reaching to hug the big, warm, alive body, not letting go. Like as if, would he dare stop making contact with him, Mondo would again disappear.

"It...It's ok " Taka feels a pair of arms, enveloping him, making him feel the safest he ever felt in what seems years."I'm here Kiyotaka" A hand finds its place between his shoulder blades, tenderly stroking circles and the other one resting on his head, gently stroking his hair.

With a desperate sob, Taka lets go.

He doesn't know how much time he has spent crying, or when they find their place on the floor. But he doesn't really care. The hands leave their respective places and tenderly hold his face, thumbs softly wiping away some of the tears that haven't stopped falling.

Between his sniffing he hears him talk again

"You good?" He nods twice. "good...good..."


Suddenly, instead of cradling his face, the hands grab the front of his coat and bring him close to Mondo's face, his pomp bending against his forehead, and only inches keep them apart.

" What the FUCK are you doing here?" Mondo's eyes are furious, completely different from how he looked what felt like a couple of minutes ago.

"I'm just... Hiro came and told me-" He starts mumbling, utterly confused.

"No! Not here here!" The biker huffs at his baffled expression.

"Why the fuck aren't you running for Prime fucking Minister?!" Oh.

"I'm... I'm ta-" He starts to explain before being rudely interrupted.

"What happened to the whole restoring the Ishimaru name??"

"They-" A second time.

"What happened with all the changes that needed to be done?"

"I just-" Again.

"And what about your family eh? Yer pop's been hoping that you'd one day come back an'-" Oh, that does it.

"I AM TAKING CARE OF YOUR FAMILY!" well that seems to finally make him shut up.


Kiyotaka starts to feel that, now very familiar after all these years, fire in his belly, making its way to his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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