The Sexy Torture of Captain Rogers By Mistress Romanoff - romanogers

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Torture is a cruel means of criminal practice, understood as an inhuman, brutal act that torments and causes unnecessary suffering to the victim, by the torturer's free deliberation. ... More than hurting or killing the victim, the agent seeks to impose suffering on him through his harmful action.

Captain Rogers thought of the literal context of torture as he waited for his tormentor.

He had been captured while he and the other Avengers tried to take down yet another Hydra facility.

He had fallen into a trap, they had tricked him by claiming to have children in prison in a place not far from there, he had left his friends while he went alone to investigate the place and he had been captured.

The people who had caught him had silently captured him and taken him away from the battle. He was first put into a car with tinted windows but then blindfolded, then taken to what he thought was a private airport.

The flight certainly hadn't lasted more than a few hours. His feet and hands were bound by vibranium handcuffs, making it difficult for him to escape.

Once they reached their destination, a place he quickly realized from the change in temperature was cold and remote.

He was dragged away by agents and held in chains in a lonely room with only a camera and a chair in place.

He was pulling at the chains trying to find a way to get free when the doors were opened.

The dim light in the room didn't allow him to see the face of the person standing by the door, but from the silhouette he could tell it was a woman.

The woman closed the door and walked to the middle of the room, stopping in front of the captain.

With her in front of her he could see exactly.

The woman was red-haired, her delicate face had a serene expression, lips were red and inviting, her body looked like a glorious work of art sculpted by demons while her face could easily have been sculpted by the most talented angels.

Her body was covered by an extremely tight leather jumpsuit, the front zipper of the piece was open to the height of her breasts.

The captain inspected her body from top to bottom, the clothing was so tight there seemed to be no place to hide a gun or knife but he wouldn't bet on that. The woman also didn't seem to be someone dangerous but again he wouldn't bet on that, she was undoubtedly an agent of Hydra or one of their allies, in the holster that adorned her clothes there was a red hourglass in the middle that in itself told him who that woman was. woman was.

Black Widow.

One of the most dangerous and wanted spies and assassins in the world, one of the most coveted names among Interpol, FBI, CIA, S.H.I.E.L.D and perhaps the Avengers themselves.

Among the known criminals with an unreachable ghost.

She patiently waited for him to make his not-so-subtle assessment, she waited for his mind to start making connections about who she was and she also waited for him to ask where they were, what he was doing there and what they wanted from him. Curiously he was quiet just waiting for her to take the first step.

The widow smiled at the corner and moved away a little, sitting on the only chair in that space.

"You know," she started to say, "I was told it was difficult to capture the leader of the avengers. Her voice was low, husky and ingratiating. - I thought it was really easy.

- Using children as bait was a low blow. - he replied and she let out a small nasal laugh.

- You think? she asked rhetorically. - Your feelings, all this heroism can get you into serious trouble one day.

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