Romanoff's Pleasant Revenge - romanogers | Single Chapter

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It is recommended to read the short story "Bring the Rogers Police Handcuffs"


On camera Steve saw Natasha dozing for a few minutes and then wake up to walk around the cell.

She was bored and made some failed attempts to lure him into her cell again but he ignored the attempts, the woman was clearly a temptation but he firmly resisted her.

It was nearly seven in the morning when James Barnes and Nick Fury arrived at the police station. Steve and Colson were dismissed and soon Natasha was also released.

The blonde was sleepy barely wanting to stand up so Steve picked her up and carried her to the car.

Before leaving he noticed the envious looks that James threw over his shoulder to him and his fiancée but ignored him, he knew that the other policeman had a crush on Natasha but she never wanted to know about him.

Steve placed her in the passenger seat and strapped her to his seat belt and then moved to the driver's side.

The journey took about twenty minutes and soon he parked in front of the couple's house.

As soon as he entered the room he headed to the bathroom, with effort and affectionate words he made a sleepy Natasha stand up to remove her clothes, then he takes off his own clothes and puts her sitting in the empty bathtub.

The hours she spent bored in the cell took their time leaving her limp.

Steve turned on the taps, regulating the hot water while he poured bath salts into the water.

Minutes later he is sitting behind Natasha and slowly starts washing himself and the blonde. Natasha puts her face on his shoulder and he starts to rub the sponge gently on the blonde's neck and breasts. He distributes kisses over her face as he sponges her left shoulder, then her arms, and then his own.

Some time later he got out of the bathtub with the blonde, she helps him get dressed in a black robe but doesn't open her eyes, she is sleepy and sly in order to be stopped by the groom.

Steve dries her hair with a towel and soon puts on a robe too and takes her in his arms to bed where as soon as she lies down she settles between the sheets and sleeps.

Steve goes into the kitchen and quickly makes a simple sandwich to eat, while eating he messes with his cell phone answering some messages.

As soon as he's finished eating he goes into his bedroom and turns on the air conditioning before turning off the lights and going to bed.

Steve Pov

I have an erotic dream where Natasha is sucking me, I feel something warm and wet down there...

I wake up and blink trying to get back to reality and realize it wasn't a dream. Natasha is naked between my legs sucking my cock which is hard as stone.

My moan came out hoarse from sleep.

Natasha looks divine, naked with messy hair now dry, she tosses the strands to the side in a seductive way to tease me while she looks me in the eyes.

I try to bring my hands up to her face and then realize I'm trapped, my wrists bound to the headboard by dark sheets.

She holds my cock holding it straight in front of her face, her tongue running all the way down to the balls.

I realize I'm gasping at the scene, I aim her ass in the air and while her face is down.

Her tongue moves down and up in a subtle, arousing movement, torturing that she's driving me crazy.

I bite my lower lip, stifling a few moans, I wish she'd put everything in her mouth soon but Natasha knows how to play and she wants to drive me crazy. Gradually she intensifies the blowjob, she goes and
she comes up with her tongue, rubbing the corners of her mouth and finally swallows her head, spinning her around, making me press my wrists against my bonds.

Natasha delights in my pleasure, in my moans, and starts burying her mouth in the cock*, coming and going, penetrating my throat, eyes closed, concentrating on her work.

She wraps her wet lips around the glans and sucks my pre-cum. The sensation of the liquid being sipped gives me a strong spasm, making me flex my legs, but she pushes them away, stretching them back on the mattress.

She sinks her mouth into the ***** several times in a row while she masturbates me. I squirm as I try to free myself from the bonds, feeling the orgasm coming.

I arch my back moaning loudly, eyes closed and I come. I feel my whole body tingle as I come apart in her mouth. When I open my eyes, I see a Natasha with a satisfied smile on her lips and I realize that this was revenge for letting her spend all night in her cell.

Natasha straddles me, my cock is a little soft but hard enough for penetration. She feels the tip at her entrance and slowly sits up.

I stand still for a few seconds just like her but soon she starts to roll.

Narrator POV

Natasha moans with her hands on Steve's chest, her messy hair making her look wild and sexy.

Is it over there takes her hands back, supporting them on the mattress, she leans her body back leaving her legs flexed and wide open. With the support of the hands and feet, she rolls again, giving Steve a perfect view of their united intimacies.

In this position she just supports her weight on him, slowly rolling around torturing them both.

Natasha sits down leaning forward, her hands go back to Steve's chest where she digs her nails and starts rubbing her clitoris on his skin.

- Aaah. - Natasha lets out a grunt. She starts to roll a little more, she holds his body with her thighs and lies down on him kissing him furiously while untying him.

Once he's free he takes his hands to her ass and she intensifies the swagger with her face glued to his.

Steve flexes his legs for support and fucks her intensely, then Natasha comes sinking her face into his neck.

He continues the same way with her on top of him but now with him in charge, it doesn't take long and he finally enjoys her and then faints stretching his arms and legs at once.

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