Chapter 6

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Kendall pulled into my driveway. I hurried to get out but the door was locked. I hurried to unlock it myself and got out. I was having a bit of a meltdown you could say. I grabbed my purse and ran to the door. Kendall was running after me, saying something but I couldn't hear him. I kept walking. I opened my door shakily. I flung the door open as I looked down at the floor. I walked slowly to the couch and then sat down. For some reason, my body was not quite happy for running.

"Kendall I need help." I whispered. Kendall was completely confused. "Get me the phone please." I told him. He obeyed, ran to get the phone and then ran bak to me. He got on his knees again like this morning and kneeled in front of me. I slowly dialed Mike's number which I knew by heart. It rang. Kendall was confused still.

"What are you doing? Why are you calling Mike?" Kendall asked me. I closed my eyes and focused on the ring.

"Hello?" Mike answered sounding surprised to find me calling.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him. I needed to know. What had I done? Was I wrong somehow? Did I say something to upset him? Why?

"I did what?" He asked. I rolled my eyes as tears filled them up. I put the phone on speaker and held it between Kendall and me.

"You punched me. Last night, you apologized this morning but that's not good enough for me. I need a reason why you did it." I pleaded. Mike laughed nervously.

"I did no such thing. I would never, especially to a woman, especially my wife." Mike said. He knew someone else was listening. I cried.

"You did! That's why I had to go to the doctors. That's why they had to reset my broken nose! You hit me!" I screamed into the mic. Kendall was in awe. I couldn't tell since my eye sight was blurry, if he was believing me or Mike. I'm pretty sure I looked pretty odd screaming suddenly.

"Baby, you need to calm down. I'll talk to you later. I'm at work. I love you." Mike said over the phone. My stomach flipped in mid air. What was happening? Why, why was he lying? He hung up. I threw the phone across the room as it bounced off the picture of Mike and I on our wedding day. The battery popped out and the plastic flew in different directions. I was furious and so upset. No imagination would help me now. Nothing could help me. I was holding out for a hero and so far no one was coming out of hiding.

"Ava, Ava. Please calm down, please." Kendall pleaded and held me. He brought me into his arms on the ground. I sat between his legs while my head hid in his chest. I grabbed onto his shirt as if that was the only thing keeping him there by my side. I breathed slowly but my emotions got the best of me. I cried, and cried. Kendall held me, silently the entire time. Once I had calmed down enough, he pulled away and pushed my hair from my face.

"I love you." I whispered through tears. "I've always loved you." I told him. He held me closer this time. He kept my head to his chest with one hand and my body pressed against his. He took a shaky breath. Kendall rocked me back and forth for hours. I cried, that's all I did, was cry. Once my breathing slowed. I leaned back and wiped my face off on my shirt. "I hate him." I whispered.

"He knew I was with you this afternoon. He knew I was with you when you called." Kendall said as he ran a hand through my hair. Then it happened.

I leaned forward and rested my lips on Kendall's. My hand trailed across his bicep to his tattoos and then up to his neck. His hand then ran across the bottom of my shirt, to my chest and then up to my neck. Then it heated, we felt a need for one another. I grabbed a hold of his shirt while getting on my knees to keep him close to me. He put his arms around my waist and held me close to him. Our mouths danced in sync to one another as if it were expertly choreographed.

Holding Out For a Hero (Kendall Schmidt Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant