:Gyro Gearloose x Reader:

387 16 5

:What's a crush?:

:Work Crush, Coffee date, Mulling over feelings:

A/N: This might get a second part depending on the feed back but i hope you enjoy!

It was fair to say that Dr.Gearloose was not one to let his emotions show, the man was pretty blunt and sort of cold towards his interns. The top three words his coworkers used to describe him were Cold, Blunt and mean and he was never really approached after work to go hang out or get drinks. That was fine by him though because he'd rather stay at his lab and work anyways, Life outside his job or tinkering was not his cup of tea to say the least.

One day while everyone was working on their projects Mr.McDuck came down to the lab escorting someone with him, faint conversation could be heard down the metallic halls of the underwater base which got nearly everyone's attention. The metallic doors slid open revealing their boss and next to him stood an unfamiliar frame. "Attention everyone!," called Mr.McDuck trying to get everyone to look his way.

With a quick clear of his throat when he had gotten, mostly, everyone's attention he began to introduce the new (y/b/s), "This is Dr. (y/n) (y/l/n), they are our new biochemist and will be joining our science team!" (y/n) waved shyly as everyone warmly welcomed them into the lab, (y/n) was soon directed to a desk by Fenton and made quick work of setting up their station.

Once Mr.McDuck knew they were settled in he announced his departure and went back to his office above ground, (Y/n) had begun to look around the lab giving themself a self-guided tour of their new workspace. They were in awe of everything they saw, especially the view of the ocean. Each window held beyond it's cold glass. "What are you doing?" piped an unfamiliar voice causing (y/n) to jump and spin around quickly in a panicked fashion, The stranger amusedly raised a brow to add to his cold and unamused look of curiosity about the (y/b/s) in front of him.

(y/n) coughed to clear their throat as they straightened their stance and offered a timid smirk "Oh uh i was just looking around! Y'know just trying to get a feel for the place before I start working." there was an awkward silence as the man scanned them upland down with a glare before his expression softened back into unamusement, "Very well," he soon piped up setting some hunk of metal down on a messy desk "I am Dr.Gyro Gearloose head of the science department." he held his hand out for (y/n) to shake.

They took his hand softly but firmed their grip once they began the hand shake "It's nice to meet you Dr.Gearloose!" exclaimed (y/n) with a cheery tone as they drew their hand back and stuck it in their lab coat pocket. Gyro just nodded before turning back to work "I will warn you here first Dr.(y/l/n) that i do not like to be disturbed while i am working, since you didn't know this time i'll let you off with a warning but please," he warned looking back at the now stiffened biochemist "Be wary of where you walk." he then put on a helmet and began to weld his metal project.

Just then another man came up behind the stressed (y/n) and gently placed a hand on their shoulder "Ah don't worry about him (y/n), he's always this grumpy." he consoled softly, Gyro quickly snapped his head back in their direction and retaliated with a "I'm not grumpy" he seethed before turning back to his project. The man rolled his eyes which earned a snort from (y/n), "Im Fenton Crackshell Cabrera but you can just call me Fenton!" chimed the man named Fenton as he led (y/n) away from Gyro's work space. "And the horse with Mr.McDuck's head is named Manny and that little guy on the desk," he said pointing at a little light bulb robot next to Manny, "That's one of the many Little bulb's you'll find around here helping Dr.Gearloose."

(Y/n) was in awe at the little robot letting out a soft coo at his cuteness before waving at them both, "It's so nice to meet you all, i can't wait to begin work with you all!" They cheered with a smile plastered on their beak."Good then you can start right now," Strained Gyro as he placed a bunch of old equipment on (y/n)'s new workspace. (y/n) joined gyro at their desk as they began to wipe dust off some of the clearly unused tech and gadgets. "You can begin by looking at some sample cells and labeling what they are. McDuck enterprises is looking to expand it's businesses by seeing if we can come up with a 'wonder medicine' that will be sold at half the cost of most pharmaceutical medications."

They gently picked up the petri dishes containing various cells from Ducks, Dogs and Mice alike that agreed to help for the greater good at the minor cost of their bodies. "You can count on me Dr.Gearloose!" chimed (y/n) as they pulled their chair from under their desk and pulled out an old microscope and began to quickly clean it up. They placed all necessary sheets they needed to be where their dominant hand was so they could make quick work of their notes as they began to work.

Hours upon hours passed and soon nightfall had begun to dim the waters outside, Manny had already left his stations light off and Fenton was beginning to pack up, He paused and looked back at the hard working (y/n) who was still muttering to themselves about all the combinations of issues going on with their project. Fenton picked up his duffle bag and walked over to their desk and began to strike up some small talk.

Gyro usually didn't care about the trivial conversations of his underlings, however this time felt different as Fenton didn't even come to bother him. He soon began to eavesdrop on his co-workers pretending to write notes down as he stole glances their way. "So (y/n) any big plans tonight? Me and my girlfriend, Gandra, were going to go out with a few mutual friends for drinks downtown. Would you perhaps like to come?" Gyro watched as (y/n) shook their head, "No thank you, I'm already on a roll and I want to finish all of these so there's less of a pile of work to do tomorrow! But maybe next time!" Fenton nodded in understanding, allowing a small smile to plaster on his face. "Well be safe you two, and have fun!! Bye Dr. Gearloose!"

Gyro just waved as he pretended to work as the metal door shut with a heavy thunk, and soon the room was silent once again. Nothing but the faint sound of clicks and the occasional scribble of lead on paper was heard in the underwater metal dome. It was curious, most folk left the moment their time was up, especially since they don't get paid unless they asked to work after their hours. However there they were still as busy as ever.

Something about the company brought comfort to gyro but it also brought a distraction, this pesky voice in the back of his head kept bothering to try and get him to invite his underling out for coffee. As logical as he put it in his own head whether that be a 'we only just met' or the usual 'not now im busy' it persisted. He looked over to catch (y/n) yawning and looking as sturdy as kids craft paper and eventually with a sigh he stood up rolling his chair back.

Nervousness rose in his throat however on the outside he was just as stoic and blunt as he ever was, (y/n) hummed sleepily as they looked up at their superior from their chair, "Good evening Dr.Gearloose heading home?" they asked sweetly, causing Gyro's heart to skip just a little beat. He cleared his throat into his fist and took a deep breath before explaining himself "No, not yet at least, i've come to ask you to join me for coffee at the cafe upstairs. It's open 24/7". (y/n)'s face spelt shock but it quickly morphed into a sweet and tired smile "sure! I could probably use some since i plan to work for a few more hours." And with that both birds made their way to the cafe to enjoy some nice and warm caffeinated drinks to inspire their scientific endeavors.

Gyro eventually went home, Boyd was asleep and charging in his own room after a day of fun with Huey, and the little bulbs were also asleep in a dog pile fashion. Gyro immediately sat down on his computer and began to ask why his heart was beating so fast or why his cheeks were flushed. As with most medical searches the first thing that came to light was heart attack, but he luckily ruled out that a heart attack was impossible. After scrolling he found an article labeled '10 signs that you have a crush on someone' , he didn't know what a crush was to be honest but it was probably more likely than a heart attack.

After reading the article he was still confused, until he looked it up, under the noun section, at the very bottom of the related terms lied this definition. 'A brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate.'. Now that made sense, However how does one heal a crush? Does it go away over time, do you need to kill the person you have a crush on? It was all so confusing and made the Dr's head spin with so many thoughts that gave him butterflies in his stomach.

Eventually after mulling over it for a more than just a few minutes he began to settle in bed staring up at the blank and dark ceiling of his bedroom with furrowed brows, Crushes were stupid, however Dr. (Y/n) wasnt and that made this crush all the more worse.

Ducktales x Reader VARIOUS {2017}Where stories live. Discover now