José Carioca x reader :sway:

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A/N: this is sort of a song fic , you will see a + when you should begin to play the song above and a * when a translation needs to be made (all translations will be at the end of the fic) also timing may be off but enjoy the green feathered friend of the three caballeros!

Loud music rolled through the air as José stood outside one of Duckberg's most finest clubs, the music was jazzy and suave and the music enthusiast couldn't help but shimmy to the beat.

The suit jacket clad parrot kept his rythym not matter what song was thrown at him next, nothing could stop him from having fun! But oh how he wish he could get into that club and start a show, but alas he was broke.

Fortunately for him, he wasn't the only one outside the A-list club on that chilly autumn night. A flash or feathers and a (Y/f/c) (dress / tux) caught the parrot performers eye and soon, he found himself staring in awe at the stranger dancing a mere few feet away from him.

Cupids arrow struck his heart as he watched the elegant and smooth movements of their hips, "Óla Docinho*, what is a lovely thing like you doing out here on this cold night?" He cooed as he danced closer to them, a sultry gleam in his brown eyes.

The stranger lifted their chin to meet José's gaze, a gentle smile on their beak. One arm raised to their stomach and another proudly above their head as if in fourth position, The parrot felt his heart flutter at the gorgeous site admiring how their eyes shined like the most lustrous of jewels.

"I could ask you the same thing, Handsome." The stranger retorted with a wink, their voice sweet like honey as they spoke. José's heart began to go into overdrive as his feathers puffed up in embarrassment.

The parrot fixed his boater hat with a soft flick on the brim, "You got me there Quierida*." The parrot chuckled slightly tugging at the collar of his under shirt. "My name is José, José Carioca." He introduced himself with a slight bow, gently grabbing the strangers hand to press a soft kiss to their knuckles.

The stranger blushed, "(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n), charmed to meet you Carioca." (Y/n) cooed using his last name to address the parrot, their face dusted with pink as José kept their hand in his. +

The two dancers eyes widened at the familiar sound of a trumpet began to play within the club. José smiled up at (Y/n), brown eyes half lidded, "May I have this dance (Y/n)?" He asked with a slight bow. "I would be honored to!" (Y/n) replied with a soft curtsy before entangling each other in a passionate embrace.

The two were in complete synchronization, (Y/n) in front of José, hands in one another's as the parrot soon sent (Y/n) into a graceful twirl. This back to front dance continued for a while til (Y/n) turned around , "Tell me Amorzinho*, where did you get your moves?" José asked, a  sultry look on his face causing his dance partner to flush.

(Y/n) laughed softly  as they looked José in the eyes, hands in one another's as their feet moved swiftly in unison into another graceful twirl. "I've always loved to dance," (Y/n) recalled their past days fondly, "it comes naturally to me I suppose!"    José's mouth gaped in shock at their response but quickly closed into a toothy grin.

The twirled gracefully around each other never breaking eye contact as they pulled each other close once more. (Y/n) linked their arm around José's neck neck and entangling their feee hand in his, "With moves like those you should be a professional!" He exclaimed with a large goofy smile that melted (Y/n)'s heart.

(Y/n)  could only blush even more as the music droned on beginning to reach its climax, the two cha-cha'd under the night sky. "You're too kind love, and as much as I would love to do that my funds do not allow me to do so." (Y/n) sheepishly admitted, "Ay no need to be embarrassed, if we're being honest I'm sorta in the same boat with you." Both bird shared a small look of understanding before being replaced by a fiery look of passion.

As the last line began to play José dipped (Y/n) deeply, his hand gripping the soft muddle of flesh and feathers tightly while his other hand supported their back. (Y/n)'s back went into a deep elegant arch extending an arm behind their head to add a bit of flourish.

There was little to no room between the two as the heat of their passion flooded one another's senses,  chests heaving even after coming up from the dip.

By now the moon hung low in the sky and the once lively club began to quite down, hinting that most of its patrons had gone home for the night.  The two birds parted with flushed faces, a twinkle of sadness in José's eyes at the thought of this mighty ending. "I guess that's our que to leave huh?" (Y/n) asked solemnly , the parrot huffed as his face fell for a moment into a small frown. "I guess it is," as he began thinking his mood picked up "but we can meet here again! Same time next week?".

(Y/n) chuckled and nodded allowing the parrot to take their hand once more so he could press sweet kisses to their knuckles.

* Óla Docinho • Hello cutie / little sweet
*Quierida • my dear
* Amorzinho • Sweet heart

Ducktales x Reader VARIOUS {2017}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ