8. Why can't a gay just have a peaceful exile?

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"A new day begins, and so, another day of tasks" Scott mumbled. It was simple really, simple, but laborious. Final touches to the environment around him, some rearranging and redecorating oft the new ice tower, and several hours later, he was done.
"I guess life can be a little bland when you're in the middle of nowhere with no one around you," he mumbled. Suddenly, he heard a very distinctive screech of an owl.
"How did you find me?? I went si far in a random direction!" It was a Rivendell owl.
"What do you mean Shrub took the crystal? Are you serious?!"
And so, he quickly flew back to the place he never thought he'd see again. Running to the not so secret meeting room, hus fears were true. The crystal was gone, and Shrub had it.
"Wjat have you done?" he sighed with exasperation, "Do you even know how to handle that thing?"

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