bruno - midnight baking

Start from the beginning

Bruno grinned mischievously as he brushed off the flour. "You're gonna pay for that little stunt." He said, reaching for the unused bag of flour.

You squealed as you raised your arms to avoid getting flour in your eye and laughed as he threw the flour in your general direction, feeling the soft powder hit your arms.

"Alright alright I surrender!" You finally said, slowly lowering your arms to look at Bruno. "I surrender." You repeated as you held your hands in the air with your palms facing the sky. He smiled triumphantly, but his smile soon became shock as you lunged towards the flour and pelted it towards him, careful to not get it on his face.

"Y/N-!" He yelled as he dodged the huge cloud of white, spluttering slightly. "Y-you tricked me!"

You chuckled as he shook his head in mock disappointment. "I trusted you, Y/N." He said, his voice breaking, but his eyes glinted with humour. "Now now you BETRAY my trust like this." He waved his arms dramatically and flung himself onto the counter, pretending to sob loudly while resting his forehead against his arm.

"Alright alright Bruno I'm sorry." You laughed, touching his arm softly, and he looked up with you with puppy eyes and sniffled.

"Then I get to eat the spare chocolate chips." He grinned, suddenly cheerful.

You rolled your eyes, but smiled anyway. "You're such a child sometimes."

He nudged your arm playfully. "You still love me though."

You sighed, but scrunched your nose and smiled when he planted a kiss on the top of your head. "That, is true."

You could see the corner of his lips tilting upwards as he turned back to the counter and the ingredients on it.

"Truce?" He raised a brow, and held out his hand for you to shake.

"Truce." You winked, taking his hand and instead kissed it elegantly.

He laughed and brushed off some flour from your clothes, trying his best to get it out of the fabric, grimacing when it got everywhere. You noticed his expression and smiled. "Don't worry we can clean it when they're in the oven."

He just nodded and continued to brush it out of your hair. "There we go." He mused.

20 minutes later, the two of you admired the cookie dough on the baking tray. Each cookie had been topped off with a smiley face made out of chocolate chips. "They look great!" Bruno's face practically shone as he looked proudly at your creation.

"I agree." You smiled widely and wiped your hands on the front of your apron. "So that's 10 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees." He nodded and set the timer on the already preheated oven and slid in the tray.

"Now we wait!" He exclaimed, peering through the glass to look at the baking cookies.

"Bruno, a little help here?" You asked, clearing the messy countertops from your clumsy mixing.

He jumped and made his way over to you. "On it."

It only took you 8 minutes or so to tidy everything up, and Bruno spent the remaining 2 minutes with his face practically pressed against the glass staring at the cookies, which had flattened and grown.

"They're done they're done they're done!" He squealed as the annoying timer started beeping. He was about to grab the burning tray with his bare hands before you rushed over and shoved the oven gloves into his hands.

"Jesus Bruno you're so hyper sometimes." You teased, watching as he slid them on with a sheepish smile.

You both watched in awe as he took out the tray. Each cookie was perfectly round, each chocolate chip perfectly melted and the edges perfectly crispy and golden.

The 5 minutes of waiting for them to cool down was torture for Bruno, and when he finally took a huge bite, your heart melted at the look on his face.

"We should be famous bakers." He spoke while munching. You laughed and tried one yourself, and you couldn't help but be impressed.

You smiled. "All of Colombia would worship us. We would be labelled the king and queen of chocolate chip cookies." You took another bite. "It's the closest I'd ever get to being an actual queen."

Bruno looked at you with a loving look. "Actually, you're already my queen, so..." He shrugged, and laughed when you blushed and nudged his arm at his cheesiness.

"That was good, but really corny." You teased.

He gently touched his hand to his chest in an offended manner. "Well that, princessa, that hurts my feelings."

You laughed and pulled him into a kiss, feeling his hands resting on your waist. You pulled apart and you looked at him. "Are your feelings fixed?"

He smirked mischievously. "I don't know, I might need another kiss to fix them fully."

"A kiss you need, a kiss you shall have." You smiled as you leaned in for another sweet kiss.

And in that moment, in the dim light of the kitchen, with his arms around you, there was no other place you'd rather be.
word count - 1474 💚
finally a one-shot by me that isn't ridiculously long 😂 but anyway i quite like this one actually :)

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