Moving towards the stove, he was quick to turn it on, grabbing eggs, butter and some fruit from the fridge he quickly began cooking with one hand. Lillian ws watching his every move half-asleep, she was tired, but her curiosity took over wanting to see what Lorenzo was making.

If you were to look at Lorenzo in that moment, you would immediately think that he was a natural born father, that he had been taking care of the little girl in his arms for her entire life.

In a couple of minutes the eggs were done and Lillian was wide awake, grabbing a plate from one of the cabinets, he quickly plated them before moving the pan off of the burner, he rounded the islander, and sat down the plate, before sitting Lillian down.

"There you go sweet girl, eat up." Lorenzo said as he pushed her up as close to the bar he could get, placing a fork in her hand before placing a kiss on the top of her head and moving around putting some more eggs in the pan after buttering it up.

While they cooked on low, he began to chop some strawberries and a banana for himself and Lillian, wanting to boost Lillian's diet, he decided he would start introducing good and healthy food to her first.

He wouldn't admit it to himself, but he liked taking care of Lillan as a daughter.

As he was chopping up the fruit into tiny pieces, Lillian watched him, wanting to eat the same way like they did the night before.


So she sat patiently and waited until Lorenzo's food was done. He took his seat beside Lillian and looked over to see Lillian hadn't touched her food which made him frown.

"You don't like it, sweetheart?" He questioned turning towards him. Lillian didn't know how to answer so she moved in her seat, getting on her knees before attempting to crawl over into Lorenzo's lap.

Lorenzo was quick to react, moving his hands under Lillian's arms and pulled her over and sat her sideways in his lap because he didn't want her to fall off the stool.

"Sweetheart, you can't do that, you could have fallen."he softly told her, expressing his concern in a gentle tone because he didn't want to scare her.

Lillian looked up slightly, a frown on her face that she made him upset before looking back down in her lap, which made Lorenzo sigh.

Tilting her chin up to look at him he gave a gentle smile. "I'm not mad at you sweetheart, you just have to be careful, okay?" He said, which Lillian nodded to.

"Okay, let's get some food into that tiny tummy of yours."he said moving his hands to her sides tickling her slightly which made her release a tiny giggle before she started to move away from his moving hands.

Lillian immediately froze, seeing as she made a sound which was something she wasn't allowed to do. But when she walked the growing smile on Lorenzo's face she relaxed a little bit.

Lorenzo saw her freeze, but didn't say anything, he knew it would take some time to adjust from her old situation to being able to have her own free will. He couldn't wait for the day she would eventually talk to him and realize she didn't have to wait to be told to do anything, as long as it wasn't a danger to herself.

He grabbed Lillian's fork and put a small bite on it, before bringing it to Lillian's mouth, she hesitantly took the bite, before her eyes perked up at the flavor.

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