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November 13th

The jet was silent.

It had been five hours since they took off from the ground. Luca had fallen asleep not even twenty minutes after being thousands of miles away from the ground. He was always an easy sleeper.

Marco was still awake, he was looking over files and other things he needed to get ready, answering emails to be sent once they landed, and having everything sent for their arrival. They only had about an hour and a half before they landed.

Lorenzo was still in his seat, he honestly hadn't moved from the single position when he originally sat down. Lillian was still in his arms, curled on his chest soundly sleeping, While Lorenzo simply sat there, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the silence.

He was unsure as to what to do when they landed. He didn't even know how the tiny little girl in his arms was going to react waking up in a stranger's house.

It had been a whole year since he had been home and he wasn't even sure how his mother was going to react to him coming home, let alone with a little girl.

Everything was so confusing to him. For once in his life he had no direction as to what was going to happen.

At the thought of Lillian, he opened his eyes and looked down.

She was still sleeping silently, one thing about the jet being silent was he could hear her breathing. There was a slight wheeze to her breathing, as if she was having slightly a bit of trouble, which told Lorenzo she could have broken or bruised ribs, maybe even a couple.

As he looked down at her, anger began to fill him again. Her arms and legs were covered with bruises, and dried blood was down her leg from the cut from the broken bottle that was thrown at her earlier. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to see how bad it was underneath the small shirt that looked like it had never been washed.

Behind the black and blue bruising, he could see some of the many scars from before which made him worry about how much she had been through.

"Marco." Lorenzo said, gaining the attention of the only other awake person besides the pilot.

Marco looked up from his computer, looking directly at Lorenzo who was across from him.

"Would you hand me a towel?" He asked in a whisper looking towards the dried blood on her leg.

Marco followed his gaze and nodded, getting up he grabbed the towel as well as a bottle of water, opening it and pouring a little bit on it, before handing it to Lorenzo.

He grabbed in and nodded in thanks, before slowly but carefully wiping her leg clean, being cautious of the cut, which isn't too deep to need stitches.

"Poor girl." Lorenzo heard Marco mumble causing him to look up to see him watching carefully.

"I know." Lorenzo answered, putting down the towel on the table before him and repositioning her so the both of them could be more comfortable which earned a small whimper from the sleeping child.

He placed her head on his shoulder, which she then moved into the crook of his neck, seeking warmth. Lorenzo quickly moved to rub the circle down her back in a soothing manner, calming and making her fall down into a deeper sleep.

It was silent for a few minutes before Marco decided to speak.

"I have someone getting her file for when we arrive." He told as he watched Lorenzo comfort the tiny girl

"Have a doctor at the one when we arrive. I want her to get immediately checked as soon as we arrive." Lorenzo ordered, earning a nod as Marco immediately picked his phone as he got everything in order.

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