chapter 10

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Vinnie's POV

Thomas sat me down on the bed and was basically waffling on and on about how I shouldn't of done what I did and that every thing is going to be alright bla bla bla.

"you know what I'm saying vin?.. hey Vin."

"Huh, oh yep got it, can we go and find your daughter now?"

"Yeah, c'mon let's go."

We walked out of my room and went downstairs. as I was walking into the garage to start up my car I saw Liliana. she was struggling to walk, holding onto the wall, all I could see was blood. I quickly rushed over to her.

"Anna! Oh my god, what happened to you?"

"Vinnie..." she sounded tired, "I think I'm gonna..." she didn't have enough strength before she passed out landing in my arms.

I put her in the back of my car, got in the drivers seat, and sped to the hospital.


ME: "Thomas I don't know! All I know is that when I found her she was very badly hurt, I'm on my way to the hospital right now."

Thomas: "Alright, alright, let me know when you get there, I'll be there soon."

Me: "Okay, I'm gonna go."

Thomas: "Wait! Make sure she's okay."

Me: "Thomas seriously? Why the bloody hell do you think I'm speeding to get the hospital?.. Alright then. I'll see you when you get there."

Thomas: "Yeah." he spoke so quietly I could barely even hear him and I was on speaker.


"What's going on" Liliana spoke very softly. Her voice was rough but smooth at the same time.

She tried to sit up but couldn't must've been the pain in her head.

"Don't worry Anna I'm taking you to the hospital, you'll be fine." I tried to reassure her. We were almost there, only five more minutes.

"Why?" She asked. I was confused.

"Why what?"

"Why do you make promises you can't keep."

I didn't know what to say.

"I don't. Promises are for life. If you make a promise it means you have no intention of breaking that persons trust." I answered after thinking for a sec.

"How do you know I trust you?"

"I don't."

"Huh." The conversation ended there, the rest of the way silence.

Liliana's POV

Everything was kind of hazy I didn't really know what was going on. I knew I wasn't walking that's for sure. But I still didn't know how I was moving. Maybe I was dreaming. Or maybe I'm a ghost and I'm dead.

My eyes were open but I wasn't taking anything in. All of a sudden the warmth that was once around my back/shoulder and legs was cold and my back was met with something more flat.

I felt something slide down my face. I went to wipe it away and as I look back at my hand there was blood on it.

I was starting to panic, everything was coming back to me; the gun, the skate park.., my bracelet.

"My bracelet! I want my bracelet, please get me my bracelet."

Thomas's POV

When I got there, I found Anna hysterically shouting and sobbing about a bracelet and I saw doctors and nurses rolling her away on a stretcher.

"Wait! Where are you taking her that's my daughter!" I shouted.

They stopped and one of the doctors looked at me and spoke. "Your daughters sustained blunt force trauma to the head and has a major concussion, we need to see if there's anymore damage. Now if you don't mind."

I just nodded and watched her roll away. I went to the desk and signed myself in.

Soon after I found myself sitting next to Vinnie and Mia in the waiting room it felt like it had been hours, but really it had only been ten minutes, but Vinnie was already asleep laying across a whole row of seats and Mia was resting her head on my shoulder.




"Thomas Petrou." I heard someone call.

My head immediately shot up. "Yes?"

"Your daughter is going to be okay, and we are very happy to say that there will be no permanent damage or injuries but it might take a little toll on her mental health but other than that she should be good to leave in a couple of days."

"Oh thank god, Thankyou doctor really."

"No problem just doing my job."

Liliana's POV

I was just staring at the ceiling when I heard footsteps coming towards the door to my room. I quickly shut my eyes pretending to be asleep. I didn't want to talk or see anyone. Not yet, but who knew faking being asleep actually made you fall asleep.

Life as Thomas Petrou's adoptive daughter. (Hype house) Where stories live. Discover now