What are con-nights?

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What are con-nights the most important question you may or may not have.

Well for starters. First we gonna talk about How to become one,

People became con-nights by making a deal with a nice alien species called Shine-Brights

People became con-nights by making a deal with a nice alien species called Shine-Brights

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They are small heart shape creatures.
They are all not always heart shape. Some are Diamond shape, square shape or circle shape.
And some with different bright colors.

They only come to people if they have a pure-heart, special potential or anyone that wanna have a chance to redeem themselves.

These creature will show up and give you a chance to become a hero. To protect the city and the earth itself from threats.

The only consequences of being a con-night is that you cannot age at all. Unless you give up your power. You can always get your power back, so really. You can say that it's not an issue.

Now how strong of a boost in power if you become a con-night?

Well. Depending on your potential.
Here some example. 3 con-nights example.

1. Egg-girl. Real name: Susy
She doesn't have crazy potential or anything. She would just be the power around Small house level.

2. Zapatrone. Real name: Mr Bill
Sense he is a adult, he become Large building level. Not only that. He grows strong faster than a teenager con-night.

3. Dark chocolate girl. Real name: Mackenzie
Her potential is Much higher than a adult con-night. Mackenzie being a chocolate con-night.
These type of con-nights make them mountain level from the start. Not only that but she also an adult. So this makes her twice as powerful.

And this also replays with Kelly potential. But her potential is a whole different story.
I get to that in a minute.

Con-nights can grow strong the more they battle,
The more they Train
The more they master their techniques.

They can also achieve other forms
Phase 2
Phase 3
Super form
Ultra form
Royal form
And even Goddess/god form

When reaching the 4th form or beyond. You be able to Fly and breath in space, Altho they have stamina issues but if you master it. That issues will go away quickly.

Of course when you first become a con-night. Your in phase 1 but you can work your way up to reaching the other forms, Altho. It's not gonna take you 3 days to get them. No.
It will take years. But if you have insane potential. You reach it a less than 20 years.

But there also different type of con-nights.
And each of them have their own potential.

Weapon type con-night

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