Randy Simster

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 Backstory: As a teenager

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Backstory: As a teenager. His father was the owner of the Randy's hotel. The hotel is name after his great great grandfather.

Randy father heard the news that Kelly father was killed. He wanted to see Kelly mom to see if she alright but he is too old to do anything and his life was slipping away. So his so. Randy. He lead him to be the next owner of the Randy's hotel.

His son accepted his quest and becomes the new owner. And just as he become owner. 3 minutes later. Kelly was drop off by randy hotel. After a long explanation. Randy decide that he will take care of her for now on.

Kelly was adopted but still kept her last name cause the two only see each other as friends. randy also own an old Private Nightclub. Him Kelly and her friends went there and (like you read Susy and Keyla) Profence came to crash the party. Beside Profence and Kelly as she already being a con-night. Everyone inside become con-nights. And randy will use his power to protect Kelly.

Age: 24

Power: Fire, Super strength, super speed, flight, space breathing and magic

Super flight

Techniques/move sets:

Hellfire, hell blast, flame wave, rocket fire boots, Fire ball, Fire tornado, Soul fire, fire kick, fire punch, fire breath, Super Hellfire, super hell blast, fire healing

🔥Soul Inferno🔥

❗️Summoning a Blue Soul tornado. Getting hit by it. You be attack my many Blue Skulls inside the tornado taking many dozens of damage.❗️

Volcano Rush, Sun Shine Attack, Fire body shield, Heat Slash, Hot Axe slash, Super Fire tornado, Fire claws, Fire eye beam, Supreme  Hellfire, teleportation, hot chains, Hell of the volcano, Meteor Fall, Bravo Smasho, and Heat Slicer

Ultimate move: 🔥Randy Fire Shot🔥

🌴🌴Opening a Fire portal behind him. Dozens of Fire balls came out so fast hitting the enemy. While the portal still shooting fire balls. Randy run up to the enemy. Sliding down below them not behind. He slash them enemy back. He then close the portal as another one open above then enemy. Randy kicks to the portal but before he enter. A Giant Rock fell off the portal crushing the enemy to the ground. And lastly. Randy Fire a massive Hellfire from his sword at the rock where the enemy crush at. Exploding them dealing lots of damage and giving them burn marks🌴🌴

Father pass away in old age,
The mom fine. No worries
Only chiled,
Mackenzie, his wife,

Kelly...Kinda of part of family but mostly see each other as friends but worth mentioning her.


Whole naylias team, whole frosty cold troops team, the hacker force, Rosa and bluedoll,

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