Fast and Frightening

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"Heyy, I'm home, work was-" "NO TIME TO TALK GRAB YOUR GUITAR WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU WE HAVE A GIG IN TEN MINUTES" I opened the door to my (well, Joan and I's) apartment, to see a fuming Joan rushing around the apartment - or should I say hopping -, one foot in a shoe the other foot battling one. Fuck. I'd forgotten about that. "STOP STANDING AROUND AND GO GET YOUR SHIT DOLLY WE ARE GOING TO BE SO LATE,"

"I KNOW I KNOW SORRY" I rushed into the apartment, pushing the door closed behind me and dumping my bag beside the door, swinging my door open with force that could've ripped it off its hinges, grabbing my leather jacket which I had so stylishly decorated with pins and studs, throwing it haphazardly, and hastily slipping out of my now-dusty jeans and t-shirt, replacing it with a glimmering pink-white silk babydoll dress that I loved like a child and slipping the jacket on top of it.

"DO THEY HAVE AMPS THERE???" I yelled while in the process of attempting to tie up my doc martens. "YEAH YOU DON'T NEED TO BRING ANYTHING DON'T WORRY," Joan's response rang out in my ears, the girl knew how to project her voice, Jesus Christ. I grabbed a pair of earplugs, a water bottle, and leaned out my doorway. "I'M READY TO GO," I yelled again, doing an odd mix of walking and running to the door, looking behind only to see Joan on my heels, guitar in hand and gesturing for me to keep going out the door, "Hurry up Doll, we're going to miss our train," She scolded me, tapping me on the nose and following me down the stairs and onto the bustling streets.


The lights faded as the set the finished, while I was gulping down water like I was dying of thirst, making my way off of the shitty bar's stage, and right into some random guys fucking man-tits. Alright then. I quickly jumped away, stammering and apologising profusely. "Fuck, sorry man, I didn't see you-" "No, don't worry, it's all good." That voice. That voice was too familiar. I looked up, dreading who I'd see and-

That guy. The fucking guy from the record store. Of course it was him again. "You guys were really good up there," he glanced around nervously, like he either had to be there or he couldn't be caught talking to a girl! Gasp! The horror! "Oh, uh, thanks," I stammered, my face an unholy shade of red. Ok Doll. Stay calm. It's not like there is an incredibly good looking guy in front of you probably judging your every move. Just tell him you recognise him or something- "Hey, you're that girl from the record shop aren't you?" He inquired, snapping me out of my little spiral. "Oh, yeah, that's me, I guess," I shrugged nonchalantly.

Be friendly, Doll. Small talk. Ask him to go out with you. No. Fuck you. That's a shitty idea. "So, do you just hang around here, or...?" I gestured to the shithole of a bar that we currently stood in, the pale, near-dead LED lights that hung over the bar counter top dimly lighting the situation. "Oh, uh, I usually play here with my band, but tonight I'm just hanging, I guess-" Doll. You are both nervous wrecks. This is not helping. Be the bigger person. "DOLLY GET THE FUCK OVER HERE AND STOP FLIRTING WITH RANDOM MEN YOU SEE IN BARS" Wow. Thanks Joan. Joan's voice rung out over the monotonous buzz that lingered in the bar.

"I'M NOT FLIRTING I'M HAVING A MEANINGFUL CONVERSATION, PRICK!" I cupped my hands around my mouth, creating a little, less-than-effective megaphone for my voice. I glanced back over to the guy, who was still standing there, looking like he wasn't quite sure what to do with his arms. I gave him a sympathetic smile, "sorry about that," I sighed. "Nah, that's fine, I should probably go now anyways-" He turned around, still looking like he didn't know where to put his masses of limbs. "Hey," I tapped him on the back, making him spin back around, strands of hair flicking me in the face. "Am I gonna see you again?" He hesitated for a second, but then replied, "I mean are you working tomorrow?" I hesitated this time too. Who the fuck has their working hours memorised. Eh, fuck it. John wouldn't mind if I put in extra hours, right? "Yeah, yeah I am," I nodded. Yeah, John wouldn't care too much.

Authors Note: Powering out these tiny ass chapters fr anyways i'm currently hyper-fixated on Nirvana so a lot of chapters are going to be coming out real quick as usual i'm probably going to find a hundred-plus typos after i publish this but eh xoxo Sil

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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