"Stell..." He tried and I sighed, "I know. But how do you tell someone something like that? I know the look he'll give me, it's not one that I want to see from him right now. Things are going really good so far."

"Cute." Logan teased again, dropping the subject from before, "I like him, by the way. He's sweet to you and really nice to Erin and me. Like he fits in quite well. With Zayn... bit of a different story but alright, they'll get there."

I chuckled, "Yeah. I know they're both trying to get along for my sake, which is honestly all I can ask for."

Harry had been hanging out with me and my friends a few times in the past week, which also included Zayn. I tried to reconnect with him after he came back from the UK. I showed up at his place a few times, invited him out for drinks and called him a bunch. He didn't say anything about his mum or what he had done back home. And I didn't ask. It wasn't my business.

"Any place else you want to go?" I asked when we were walking through Brooklyn. There was a little bit of snow on the street and the Christmas decorations were all up. I loved New York in these times, the city felt so cosy. Logan scrunched his nose up, "Yeah, let's get the fuck out of Brooklyn."

I laughed at his words, "Hey, my former living-place."

"Ah, Stell, there's a reason you joined us in the East Village. It's much nicer in Manhattan." He slung his arm over my shoulders as we headed into the subway together to get back to Manhattan and drop off our stuff. Logan and I lived so close together that we saw each other on most days. His apartment was just a few blocks from mine and we often even ran into each other in the coffee place or the grocery store.

I had to admit I had always liked living in Brooklyn though. It wasn't as central New York as Manhattan was, but it was a cosy part of the city that I had always felt at home in.

When Logan and I were watching our step in the East Village, trying not to slip on the icy sidewalks, his phone rang. "It's Erin." He cheesed before answering, "Hey, bitch."

I snickered at his nickname for her and Erin was squealing on the other end of the line, telling us to come to Rockefeller Centre for the ice skating rink that was there every winter. In the first weekend, New York citizens could skip the queue for the rink. She was already there with Zayn and waiting for us.

"Erin, you're gonna have to wait in the cold for a bit. Stella and I are in the East Village, it'll be a bit. Rockefeller Centre is quite a drive." He warned and she seemingly agreed and just told us to hurry the fuck up and get our asses to Rockefeller Centre and on the ice with her.

"Cab or subway?" I asked as I tightened my scarf around me. Logan scrunched up his nose, "Cab. Definitely cab."

He lifted his hand to alert a cab driver, who came to a stop in front of us. We hastily got in and I let out a sigh of relief at the warmth of the vehicle as the driver turner in his seat, "Where to?"

"Rockefeller Centre." Logan smiled at him and he nodded before starting his drive. I warmed my hands together in the car, "Look, it's so pretty outside."

"One day I really want to spend Christmas here." Logan looked at all the decorations, "Like just with our friends, you know? Not always go home to our parents."

I nodded, "I know, me too."

"Are you going to DC on Friday?"

"Thursday." I corrected him, "But yes. I think Erin leaves for Long Island on Friday. When are you headed to Cleveland?"

"Thursday too. Early flight?" He asked hopefully and I shook my head, "No, evening. I still work the morning."

He pouted at me, "I fuckin' hate the airport."

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