the only chapter there is UWU

Start from the beginning

Silence filled the air, no voices can be heard from any of them, no movement either

"Brainy?" Brainy looks over at Gutsy "yeah?" Brainy replied to Gutsy

"I'm sorry about the whole headless horseman thing that just happened long ago" "Gutsy, that happened just earlier" Brainy shakes his head

"Yeah yeah I know..*hic*..but still, I really am sorry for what I've done. I shouldn't have gotten in your way of winning this year" Gutsy says, almost closing his eyes. Brainy thinks for a second before replying to Gutsy

"'s okay, Gutsy. It's technically all my fault tho for the past 9 years, I kept hogging all the smurfberries for myself and not let the others even collect any" Brainy says, smiling. Gutsy looks up at him and smiles back slightly

Gutsy chuckles "i guess it's both of our faults then" he continues to laugh as he slaps Brainy across the back, wrapping an arm around his neck/shoulder

"Yeah, I suppose it was" Brainy rolls his eyes playfully and chuckles

Gutsy then hums "oi Brainy...can I have a sip now?-" "oh for Smurf's sake, Gutsy, absolutey not!" Brainy says as he closes his book shut

Brainy then stands up as Gutsy was still on the ground, sitting down. "Come on, get up" Brainy lends out his hand to Gutsy, Gutsy puts his hand over Brainy's and stands up, his balance was a little wobbly but he managed to stand up straight

"I think we should get you home, maybe after a long nap, you'll feel like your good old self again" Brainy suggests, smiling
Gutsy lets out a tsk and folds his arms "I don't want to go to bed..*hic*..could I stay up a teensy little bit wee longer?..with my bottle of course" Gutsy says, smiling nervously
"First off, no. Second of all, very much no! We gotta get you to bed, Gutsy!" Brainy says, Gutsy kicks the ground slightly

"Fine fine, i'll go to bed, las.. But onLYy because it's almost midnight"
"It's almost midnight?! Oh no..Papa's gonna kill me once he realizes that I'm about to stay up past my bedtime!" Brainy says, a bit worried yet panicked

Brainy starts to walk in circles as he babbles about what could happen if he just stayed up all night, Gutsy, who was just staring at him continuously, got annoyed of his babbling and grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him

"Get yourself together, las, and stop worrying about Papa for once" Gutsy says as he hiccups a bit at the very end of his sentence

"You're right!'re right, I just gotta stay calm, calm down, Brainy.." Brainy repeats this sentence for a while and continues walking in circles, Gutsy pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs

"For smurf's sake, las, let's just get to bed" Gutsy spoke up, putting his hands on his hips
"Oh right, we still had to do that too..somehow i forgot.. Well then anyways, let's get going" Brainy says as he was about to walk off as he turned around

Gutsy's eyes lit up slightly, he sweat dropped and hesitates to himself for a moment, a little nervous. He looks back at Brainy who was walking off further away

Gutsy exclaimed and quickly grabbed onto Brainy's arm, Brainy looks back at Gutsy, confused
"What do you think you're doing, Gutsy?" Brainy asks as he tries to get out of Gutsy's grip
"Erm..uh, listen, lad. I wanted to..tell you something" Brainy looks up at Gutsy with a brow raised to see that Gutsy was even redder than he already was before

"Uh..what is it?" Brainy asks
Gutsy looks around everywhere as he starts to make very nervous noises

"I- well- *hic* you-" Gutsy starts stammering to even say a sentence, Brainy was just confused about the state he was currently in

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