the only chapter there is UWU

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Before this chapter starts, let us all sing the national anthem (not rlly) of the gaes

Let us begin, chop chop 👏👏

Brainy was peacefully reading a book near a cliff as he lays his back down on a tree, cold windy air surrounded the whole area, the moon was bright as it was surrounded by shining stars, what a nice scenery. "oh would you look at that" he says to himself as he continues to turn the other pages. He was suddenly interrupted when someone appeared behind him and almost gave him a heart attack as he jumped a little surprised

"Gah! What the smurf!?.." Brainy shouts out as he looks behind him, his panicked expression was soon wiped off once he saw Gutsy Smurf

Brainy groaned "Gutsy, you shouldn't scare other smurfs like that. Especially me" Brainy says as he faces back and continues to read his book, Gutsy quietly sat down, looking a little dizzy

Brainy looked back at Gutsy and raised a brow in confusion, Gutsy's face was covered in red with a goofy and dizzy looking smile, followed by a dizzy looking body posture. Brainy closes his book and looks back at Gutsy with a worried expression

"Gutsy, are you okay? You look like you're burning up, are you sick?" Brainy asks in a worried tone as he puts a  hand on Gutsy's forehead to check if he's actually burning up

"OhH, I'm fine, lad!" Gutsy spoke up, assuring him. "You don't look fine to me, in fact you don't sound fine either" Brainy says.
"God dang it..What happened to you?" Brainy asks, getting a little more worried than he already was.

"Uhhhhh, oh rigHT! Some Smurf gave me weird grape juice..tastes like smurfberries hehe" Gutsy replied, smiling in a dizzy and goofy way, Brainy furrowed his brows "what? Who?" Brainy asks

"Hmmm..they told me not to tell aNYonE..their name's a secret" Gutsy chuckles and hiccups. Brainy sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose "I should've're drunk, Gutsy" Brainy says.
"Drunkk? Me? Pfft, i'd never" Gutsy hiccups after he says this, Brainy sighs.

"I'll get to the bottom of this and see who gave you that certain juice...soon. Oh boy, Papa's gonna be so mad if he finds out" Brainy says. Brainy gave out a few 'tsks' and opened up his book again and continued reading

Gutsy leaned in to check what Brainy was reading

"Is that a love story?"
"What? No" Brainy replies as he roles his eyes. Gutsy looks at him once he rolled his eyes.

"What's with the eye rolling, las?" Gutsy asks, raising a brow "it's nothing serious, Gutsy" Brainy says as he shakes his head. Gutsy groans as he suddenly gets a bottle from somewhere and drinks from it, Brainy looks at him confused, but once he realizes what Gutsy was doing he quickly panics and takes the bottle away

"Hey!" Gutsy yells out angrily
"You can't have this, Gutsy! You'll literally get even more sober than you already are!" Brainy says whilst bringing the bottle more further away from Gutsy

"I've told ya already, lad! I'm not that..*hic* drunk!"
"Aha! So you do admit it! You are drunk!" Brainy chuckles, proud of himself. Gutsy grumbles whilst he crosses his arms as Brainy just smiles and continues on with his book

Gutsy now had an angry yet annoyed type face, but even tho he had one, he scooted closer to Brainy and placed his head onto his shoulder. Brainy stops reading and looks at Gutsy with a very much confused impression "what are you doing, Gutsy?" Brainy asks. Gutsy who didn't answer just continues to grumble to himself, Brainy sighs and ignores Gutsy and tries to read his book again

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