Chapter 21 - Unagi

Start from the beginning

"Good" Sokka raises a brow at Suki who looked at Mizuki for a second.

"Sokka told me you were hot but I didn't believe him, because, like have you seen him? Pfft-" Said Suki who started to laugh. Mizuki chuckled, Sokka on the other hand got embarrassed.

"Shut up Suki-!" Yells Sokka but he gets cut off by Suki again.

"Way out of his league- Which by the way! Screw him, you and me" Mizuki blushed a bit at how smooth Suki was. Sokka noticed this and took a step forward.

"Stop right there-" He said while making exaggerated gestures with his hands.

"I'm not doing anything!" Says Suki playfully as she pushes Sokka away.

"So, why did you come here?" Asks Suki. Mizuki looked shyly at the ground for a second, she wasn't used to talking to people her age.

"Well, I was wondering if you guys maybe uh, could teach me some moves?" Stuttered Mizuki. Suki looked at her for a second and then nodded her head.

"We usually don't train outsiders but I'll let it pass since you're the Avatar's friend. Besides, it wouldn't be fair if I'd train Sokka but not you" Answers Suki, Mizuki happily smiles at her. Sokka groans, realizing that he had become the third wheel.


Aang's swimming in the water, while his troop of fangirls watches him on the shore. The six girls are sitting or lying on the shore in boredom.

"What's taking so long?" Asks a little girl who's resting her head on her hand.

"I'm sure it will be here any second! What about this?" Says Aang as he takes out his marbles and spins them around between his hands with his airbending, in an attempt to entertain the girls.

"Not that again. Boring!" Complains a girl in an annoyed tone.

"Where's Unagi? It's getting late" The girls stand up.

"Where're you going? Don't leave!" Pleads Aang who's still waiting in the water for the Unagi to show up.

"Sorry, Aang! Maybe next time" Shouts one of the girls. As the girls leave, Aang looks away disappointed. He lowers himself to be partially under the water and starts blowing bubbles. Suddenly Katara arrives at the shore, Aang jumps up from the water and smiles.

"Katara! You showed up!" Beams Aang.

"I wanted to make sure you were safe. You really had me worried" Answers Katara somewhat concerned.

"Back there you acted like you didn't care" Replies Aang confused.

"I'm sorry" Says Katara in a regretful tone, Aang lowers his eyes.

"Me too. I did let all that attention go to my head. I was being a jerk" Katara smiles at Aang's apology.

"Well, get out of the water before you catch a cold, you big jerk!" Shouts Katara jokingly. That's when Mizuki arrived at the shore aswell. Mizuki didn't want to admit it but she was worried for Aang's safety, so after training with Suki she immediately rushed towards the shore.

"On my way!" Shouts Aang back. His smile becomes even bigger the moment he notices that Mizuki had arrived aswell. Smilingly he starts to swim towards the shore. Katara turns around to face Mizuki.

"Were you worried too?" She whispers, Mizuki nods. Suddenly a giant dorsal fin appears from out the water behind Aang. Katara and Mizuki's eyes widen in shock. Aang's still oblivious to the danger behind him and swims calmly towards the girls with a smile on his face. All of a sudden Aang is swept away by a wave and lifted out of the water, he starts to scream in panic. Aang looks around to find himself sitting on the back of the Unagi as the monstrous eel erects itself before him, and directs a powerful jet of water towards Aang. Aang withstands the water by holding on to one of the smaller dorsal fins of the Unagi. The animal charges Aang and tries to eat him, but Aang narrowly escapes by catching one of the Unagis whiskers. Aang screams his lungs out as he dangles from side to side in front of the big green eye of the Unagi. The Unagi suddenly moves his head violently in all directions, trying to snatch Aang off his whisker.

"Hang on, Aang!" Shouts Katara worriedly as Mizuki starts to take off her boots and clothing. Aang looks terrified at the duo as he holds on to the whisker for his life. The Unagi tosses him a few more times from side to side and Aang finally lets go from the force and speed of the throw. He is thrown through the air, still screaming loudly, and smacks in the water. As soon as Mizuki is only wearing leggings and a shirt, she immediately jumps into the water to save Aang. Aang emerges back to the surface, clearly unconscious with his tongue sticking out of his mouth. Mizuki uses her waterbending to create an ice path on the water surface. She quickly runs towards Aang's direction but the Unagi notices her.

"Mizuki! Watch out!" Shouts Katara. The Unagi shrieks and dives under to get to his unconscious prey. Mizuki runs as fast as she can over her ice path, once she reaches Aang she lifts him up. Before she can run away the Unagi creates a powerful blast and directs it at the two. Mizuki and Aang are send flying back and they slam into the rocks on the shore. Katara starts running towards Aang and Mizuki who are unconscious. As Katara sits down next to the duo, Mizuki opens her eyes.

"Katara?" She asks. Katara smiles at Mizuki.

"You're okay, thank goodness" Says Katara as she warmly smiles at the girl. Katara carefully peeks over the rock and sees the fast approaching ship of the banished prince.

"Zuko!" Whispers Katara. Mizuki's eyes widen in shock, her heart skips a beat. She leans over to Katara and peeks over the rock aswell. Katara and Mizuki watch Zuko and three other riders mounted on komodo rhino's, with Zuko in the lead.

"I want the Avatar alive" They hear Zuko say. The two girls glance at each other for a second, worriedly.

"I'm going to help the village, if I hurry up I might even be able to warn them aswell. You take care of Aang okay?" Whispers Mizuki, Katara nods and quickly turns around to face Aang. Mizuki starts running towards the shore where she left her Kyoshi warrior clothing. Katara protectively covers the body of the still unconscious Aang, while worriedly looking up and hearing the riders move past. Once she's certain the riders have passed, Katara lays Aang on his back.

"Wake up, Aang!" Pleads Katara worriedly. Katara looks aroud for a few seconds before she starts to move her left hand over his chest, while supporting his head with her right. Katara moves her hand from above his chest to his mouth while bending the water Aang had swallowed.

"Katara...don't ride Unagi. Not fun" Says Aang in a weak voice as he coughs out the water. Katara smiles at him relieved.

To be continued

Word count: 1733

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