"Care to explain why I'm here?"

Hobi turns his head slightly, "There's something Yoongi wants to tell you."

I look at Yoongi to see his cheeks slightly red, just a bit.

It was probably because of the weather.

He was looking down, not glancing at me even once.

I frown and turn back to Hobi.

He sighs and moves around me, grabbing Yoongi and making him face me.

He wraps his arms around Yoongi's smaller frame and places his chin on the older's shoulder.

As Yoongi looks at me, I feel myself go still.

His sharp eyes were staring right at me, with coloured lenses in them which made his eyes pop out.

His raven hair was blowing slightly on his face, hitting his eyes ever so often.

He looked alluring and captivating in a way.

I smile awkwardly, "What do you want to tell me?"

He glances at Hobi who had a look of encouragement.

"Do it." He mouths to his boyfriend.

Yoongi takes in a big puff of air, and slowly comes closer to me.

What was he doing?

I furrow my eyebrows as he comes so close that I could feel his scent enveloping around me.

"Revon. There's," he sighs and looks up once again, "There's something I want to tell you."

I nod slowly, "I know that. Which is?" I chuckle a bit.

"I like you. I like you. Fuck. Revon- I don't know how to even put this in words. I've never done this before. I like you and I know this may sound weird because I have a boyfriend but that's not the point the point is that I like you and I want to know if you like me back."

Now here was the thing, the only thing my slow brain understood and heard well enough were the words 'I like you' and 'fuck'.

He was a rapper for god sake, he spat those words out in seconds and I didn't understand anything!

I look at Hobi to see him trying not to laugh, he knew I was struggling here.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

He said he likes me?

Fuck! He likes me!

Yoongi likes me!

"Bub, I don't think she understood anything." Hobi says while trying his best to not let out any laugh.

Yoongi frowns, "Fucking shit. I'm out of here."

He walks away?

He fucking walked away?


Hobi grabs my wrist from behind and pulls me back.

"Leave him," he chuckles, "He's not gonna want to talk to you, he's embarrassed."

"But-he? He said he likes me?"

Hobi nods and intertwines our hands.

I look down and frown, "But-you?"

He nods once again, "That's what we were talking about in the van. He told me he likes you and wanted to know if you- you know, if you liked him back."

Behind The Cameras || b t s x reader (VERY SLOW UPDATES) Where stories live. Discover now