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Author's Note (A/N): Every time you come across this 🎵 symbol,  click the Play button to go to the song link. Resume reading after the song.


"It's almost sunset on this tropic isle."

"Everything is so peaceful... and quiet, except for that occasional noise from the local fauna thriving in the nearby jungle and the seagulls circling the spotless sky."

"Such a feeble attempt from wildlife as it tries to break the calming sound of shallow waves splashing lazily against the powdery white shoreline."

At the moment, Hans was on the beach,  soaking his feet, ankle-deep into the warm crystal water that stretched out to the open sea,  inadvertently treating himself to a natural foot spa experience.

Despite all this, he could hardly care about the fine perks of the natural beauty around him.

Instead, his mind was preoccupied with something else...

Someone else...

He smiled at the woman he was holding and thought to himself...

"People have always held a notion that paradise looks like some tropical island scenery lifted from a postcard."

"But not me."

"Paradise is not a place on the map."

"It's not a scene that you can look at or capture with a tap on the phone and post on Instagram."

"It's not something tangible."

"Yet, it's as real as the wind that kisses our faces and the reason behind our smiles."

"Paradise is a moment..."

"A time when we are smiling nearest to the one dearest to our heart"

"And to me..."

"My Paradise is when I'm this close to you."

"Yes, you..."

"I could never get enough of this magical feeling."

"Every single time, my senses still get overwhelmed by your mere presence."

"And it doesn't really take much to make me crave you even more."

"Especially now when I find myself like this, standing just a smile away from you."

"As our arms locked around each other..."

"How I wish I could just live in this moment..."

"... forever."

He must have spoken out loud because he could hear himself clearly even though his lips hadn't moved.

And he must have been gazing at her for some time too because he knew she was beautiful beyond imagination, even though he couldn't see the details of her face.

He imagined that her eyes twinkled as she lovingly looked back at him.

And he recognized his profound longing, heralded by the loud thumping of his heartbeat against hers.

For the nth time, he looked with earnest at her faceless smile.

Then slowly he closed his eyes and leaned forward...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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