Chapter 1

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After 3 hours of sitting around listening to other peoples presentations, after doing her own, the meeting is finally over. Y/N leaves the room and bumps into Steve.

"I'm sorry Mr. Rogers." she apologizes.

"No no, I'm sorry." he says. "And please, call me Steve." He insists.

"Okay, I will... Steve." Agrees Y/N. They stand in awkwardness for a minute before Steve says something.

"I should get going. I have a training session with Agent Romanoff." Steve says scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I should be going too. I have paper work to finish for Mr. Stark." Y/N says with a nod before walking away to her office.

She lets out a loud sigh, thankful she was able to get out of that situation. Her and Steve never had a problem making small talk before today. She wonders what has gotten into him today.

For the next hour Y/N works on paperwork about the meeting she was to sum up what happened for Mr. Stark to read since he wasn't there like usual. She collects the papers and there's a knock on her office door.

"Come in" Y/N says collecting her purse from her desk. Tony walks in slowly.

"Hey Y/N." he says.

"Mr. Stark. I was just about to come and give you these papers about the meeting." She says handing the papers to Tony.

"Oh thank you." He says taking them with only a hint of hesitancy. "But I came here to ask you something."

"Oh, what's up Mr. Stark?"

"Please call me Tony." He says "I was wondering if you'd like to come to the private avengers party tonight." Tony continues. "You can meet the gang and get to know them more."

"I wouldn't want to intrude. Like you said it's private." Y/N says. She doesn't want to feel like an intruder to their private time.

"I insist. It will be fun." Tony says "it's at 7:00 in the common room. I can't wait to see you there." He says and walks out of the office before Y/N can have the chance to decline... again.

It's already 5:30 and it takes 20 to 30 minutes to get to Y/N's house so she collects her belongings quickly before heading home to get ready.

Not knowing how formal this party is she decides to wear a simple black cocktail dress that looks like it wraps around her body and has thin straps at the top.

Y/N applies some simple makeup and puts her hair in a fancy yet messy bun before heading back to the tower.

She gets there right on time, and heads to the common room. As she gets closer she can hear music; that's obviously Tony's pick, as well as talking coming from the room.

She gets to the door and takes a deep breath to gain enough courage to go inside. She walks in and is instantly greeted by Tony.

"Y/N! You came, welcome!" Tony says handing you a drink from the counter.

"I thought it would be cool to meet the people who are keeping Earth safe." She jokes, taking a sip from the drink.

"I'm guessing you know everyone here. In the corner is Loki." Tony says pointing across the room.

"Looking like he is going to kill someone might I add" says Natasha stepping closer causing Tony to laugh. "It's nice to formally meet you Y/N." she says shaking your hand.

"Nice you meet you too." Y/N replies with a smile.

Clint and Bruce; the quiet ones, are sitting on stools at the small bar talking and nursing their drinks. Thor and Peter are trying to convince Loki to join in on the party. Steve was sitting with Natasha on a couch before she came and saw Y/N.

Y/N and Tony go and sit on a couch together and talk a bit before he went to convince Thor to let him try the Asgardian liquor he brought for Steve and himself with a happy pep in his step.

Y/N decides to go and talk to Loki who's tending to his own drink, tucked away in the corner, staying away from everyone. "Hey, why so lonely?" she asks.

"No one really likes me here. Plus, I didn't even want to come." Loki says with an unreadable face.

"Well I'm happy you came. I get to meet another God, who has much betting clothing taste." Y/N says whispering the last part, trying to make Loki smile.

A small smile appears across Loki's lips, "I will agree with you on that. You can definitely tell who the fashionable god is here." He says with a chuckle, softening his expression.

"What's it like on Asgard?" Y/N asks after a bit of small talk. "I've always heard how magical it is but I want to know from someone who won't over exaggerate it; like Thor."

"It's beautiful... For me, it reminds me too much of my mother, and all the good memories we shared before she passed. But it also reminds me of Odin...."

"I heard Odin was a bitch." Y/N says.

"You could say that." He chuckles.

The night goes on, Loki and Y/N get to know each other better. Y/N also gets to know Clint and Thor. She wanted to talk more with Bruce but he left for bed before she had the chance.

The most excited part was Tony and Loki were close to getting into a fist fight over the last bit of their favourite whisky. Natasha was lucky enough to find more in Tony's lab in the nick of time.

At the end only Tony and Y/N are left cleaning up a bit. "How far is your home?" Tony asks seeing Y/N yawn.

"20 minutes without traffic." Y/N answers yawning again not able to stop.

"I have a spare room on my floor. You can stay there for the night instead of driving at this time. Plus we don't need you getting pulled over and arrested for drinking and driving." Tony says. Y/N just nods following Tony at his side to the elevator.

Tony hand goes to the small of Y/N's back as he leads her to his spare room as they get out of the elevator.

"Here we are. There's a bathroom connected to the bedroom." Tony says opening the door for Y/N.

"Thank you Tony." She says with a smile. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep well." 


I just want to say sorry about the first two chapters, they aren't the best written and the connection to the rest of the book isn't the best. I wrote them awhile ago and don't    feel/want to rewrite them.

Tony Stark x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora