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Drake is meeting his "other woman' today.
Elian forgives him and let go of his 'incident'but now he is once again glaring at him as if refreshing an old wound.

Drake grins.
"Stop worrying." He said touching his face.
"I will just negotiate about the living arrangement of the baby and not to take a woman."

Elian looks at Drake's eyes.
Drake's priorities and his are different. Maybe it's because though he is originally from this world, he grows up on Earth and the difference in culture makes him unable to calm down while Drake just treat is as normal thing.

The good thing about this place. It doesn't recognized side wives. You can only marry one person and if you want to marry again, you have to divorce first.
Drake sincerely told him that he would never cheat him.
Such words give comfort to his heart.

"Im goin--"

Elian tiptoed kisses his lips making Drake smiles.
Just a soft tender kiss from a worried bride-to-be. Drake blood boils as he grabs his hand and kiss it.

Elian sighs after Drake left.
His knees gave in.
Drake is too handsome.
He blushes thinking about Drake's face.


Marian smiles as she saw the Duke. Though her stomach is not yet big, she manage to make the small bump noticable wearing a tight clothes. Her curved is beautiful and she looks lively.

General Gustavo salutes and kneel but his daughter just happily stares at Drake.

Drake frowns.
But since she is pregnant, he let it go.

Drake sat on the chair before the general stood up.
Marian was pleased that Drake didn't comment in her action. It means he is tolerant to her brassness.

Marian wants to greet the Duke first but his father pulls her clothes a bit. Making her swallow her greetings.

"Good morning, your excellency. Its our pleasure to be in your presence. Thank you for taking your time to chat." General said.

"Hm." Drake nods.

"Your excellency, you didn't bring a doctor with you?" Marian blushes. It was important to make Drake concern about their child early. Of course she makes sure that she is perfectly safe and the baby.

"Today is just need to talk. Later I will send my doctors to your house to check up on you and the baby. Let's order first." He said. They are in a high class restaurant. On the top floor. There are noiise barrier in every room making this a very safe place to talk about serious matters.

After ordering.

Marian elbowed her father.

"My daughter wants to get married. This is the only thing we want. She doesn't mind if you will stay a day or two in a week with the Fredrist house but you can't touch him. Just take care and be with the baby."

Drake paused from drinking wine.
"I didn't even agree on marrying yet you already have my living schedule taken care of?" He smiles and continue drinking.

The General sighs. He too get a glass and drink. Marian rolls her eyes. Her father is so cowardly.

"It's not like that Your excellency,we are just being frank. I can accept you having a baby with someone else but I can't accept you having another person in your heart."

Drake raised a brow.
It seems that 'having another person in your heart' is synonymous of having 'another child outside the marriage'.
He nods.
It seems Elian's worry is actually normal thing if you want your partner all to yourself.

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