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"Are you not scared of your brother?" Duan asks as he puts Elian down the bed.

Jerome shakes his head.
Duan is handsome,okay!
Though he has bark skin, his strong arms and small waist is the perfect aesthetic of a manly man in his opinion!

He thinks that Duan is lonely when he asks.
Elian is scared of his eldest brother but Duan is really cute and lovable.
He shouldn't be hated.

"Really? I'm glad." Duan smiles.
He is really relieved.
This is not a dream right?
Elian is not scared of him!

He stares at him more and feels Elian is really cute.
He wonders if Elian will hate him if he asks if he can hug him again.
He really wants to hug him.

"Brother, sleep with me?"

Duan just stared at Elian, unmoving.
He froze!

"Brother, did you hear from Dad and Mom? I don't really have my memory. Brother can sleep with me. Tell me something about me. Maybe I can remember."
Jerome smiles. He feels that he is deceiving them.
Whom they love, it's not him but Elian.
But he needs to be grateful. He will love them back for Elian's sake too. Afterall, he was now him.

"I'll brush my teeth." Duan stands up and walks outside.

Jerome doesn't know if that is a yes or not. Maybe Duan is going to get his own toothbrush.
Jerome went to the bathroom and also freshened up.

Duan walks to their parents' room.
Softly knocking on the door.

"Ah? Finally, you snap out of it?" Eliza smirks.

Duan feels shy but he seriously nods.
He actually doesn't want to leave Elian's side.
But Elian talks about his memory again, making Duan realize that this is a serious matter.

"Dad, Mom, what really happened to Elian?"

"We are still investigating. But so far, there are many bad people that have been around your  brother these past 3 months. He is away from home." Angrily Crowen said.

Eliza wants to say something but holds herself.She is about to blame her husband and seeing his sorry expression, she understands that more than her own words, her husband is already blaming himself.
Duan shakes his head.
It's not their parents fault.
Elian is the one at fault.
He is too spoiled.
He even associates with bad people.
It shows he didn't feel any remorse for what he did in the past.
Though he loves him, he knows that if he made a mistake he should be punished.

"These people….did they...harm him?" His emotions surge up. He will reprimand Elian if needed but harming his brother! If not for their parents he would even kill that Kale for hurting Elian!

Who gives other people the right to harm his brother?

Crowen shakes his head.
"I don't know yet. Tomorrow, I plan to bring your brother to have a thorough check up. See if they can find why your brother has memory loss or if it can be cured. How it may affect him or what."

"I'll go with you." Duan said.
Elian is not scared of him.
Then it's his time to stand by his side.

Crowen nods.
Eliza sighs.
"Your brother said he is not scared of you? Are you happy?"

Duan smiles.
"I am."

Eliza is startled.
His son can smile so cutely?
How is she unaware of this?

Crowen also smiles seeing Duan smiles.
His son is not a stone. He can smile so handsomely too!

Duan asks the butler to prepare some toiletry for him.
Then he knocks on his brother's bedroom.
Jerome is blinking as he looks at his brother.
"Brother, come." 

"Wait." Duan went to the bathroom and when he came back he was wearing light blue cotton pyjama.

Duan sat on the bedside watching Elian cutely fighting his drowsiness.
"Sleep brother." Jerome lazily pats the space beside him.

Duan raised the blanket and lay down next to Elian.
He looks at his brother.
"Elian, I'm glad you are no longer scared of me."

Jerome smiles.
"I like brother."

Duan comes closer to Elian and hugs his head.
"I like you too."


Duan feels his cheeks and ears become hot.

"Don't do that."

Jerome chuckles and raises his hand like a cat paw and taps it to Duan's face.

Duan dotingly smile and grabs his hand 

"But you will still tell me things about my past."

"....it's not important."
Elian used to avoid him. Hate him.
Why would he remind Elian about that?
Right, those are unnecessary memories. He can create and have more fun memories with Elian and his future nephew or niece.
He reaches his hand and touches Elian's belly.
"Is he moving around now? Baby, I'm your Uncle."

Jerome smiles but slowly, he feels comfortable as Duan rubs his belly.
He feels asleep.

Duan didn't know he was watching Elian sleep all night. He just realize it's already morning when the maid knocks on the door and tells them their parents are waiting downstairs.

Duan doesn't have the heart to wake Elian up.
But someone actually called him, making Elian wake up!
Angrily, Duan disconnected his quantum computer so nobody could contact him.
But it's useless now.

Elian looks at Duan's expression.
He is glaring at his wrist.

"Good morning Brother."

"Ah….Good morning." Duan looks at Elian.


Duan rubs his head.
"Stop doing that."

"Brother like a cat person?"

"I like you more."
Duan smiles.
It's not like he likes a cat beastman. He just finds them cute and cuddly.
His brother is better than any cat beastman.

The two wash their faces and brush their teeth together.
Duan is very content. He is even thinking if he can stay like this with his brother he can just resign from his job. His workplace is too far. He is the Chief of the Military Mechanical Department. His contribution to Universe 32 is so big that he easily got promoted to his position now.
As a key person in a military base, even though he is young, Duan is coveted by so many planets.
A person who can make a new mecha advance model. He is not just promising, his potential is unfathomable!

Sadly, Duan is not very attached to a high position. Bribes are nothing to him. He is a son of a wealthy businessman, money is not something he lacks.
Beauty? Who can be more beautiful than his mother and siblings?
Since nobody can tempt him, some people wanted to ruin him instead.
People really can't be assured until nothing is within their grasp.
But how can they easily put Duan down?
The military greatly needed him. He is well protected.

This is also why Drake is willing to give face to Crowen.

"Did you have a good rest?" Eliza asks.
Duan's face is still serious but he looks livelier than usual.
He sticks near his brother like a shadow too.
Eliza can just grins and shake her head.

"Um!" Jerome smiles and looks at his brother.
"I sleep best! Maybe it's because brother is beside me. I feel like nobody can bully me."

Duan nods.
"Then I should sleep with you from now on."

Jerome grins.

Duan feels his face heating again.
He rubs his palm all over Elian's face.
"I said stop it."

Jerome laughs happily.

A Guy who always SmileTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang