2. Uncle Biggie

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The fight was intense. But in the end, Shookboi won the battle and was able to keep the note away from Sucka.

Sucka: You.. you little.... *huffs* I'm so... tired.... (passes out)

Shookboi: Bim bam boom boom, kim kam koo koo, shim sam shoo shoo, lim lam loo loo. Since I defeated you in battle, you own me a Glitzy Cake!

Jiggs: Um... Shookiepo- I mean Shookboi? I think he's sleep uwu.

Shookboi: Oh... I'll leave him a note then. Let's head to Biggie's house. He will be able to decipher the strange symbols.

Jiggs: You mean the strange man who watches us from the bushes and only talks to us when the teachers aren't looking and keeps asking us to follow him home using toys and treats and stuff?

Shookboi: Yep!

Jiggs: Thats... a... GREAT IDEA! Man you're a genius! How do we get there?

Shookboi: He told me once that if I ever wanna have fun or need help, he lives in an old shack very deep in the dark woods where kids usually go missing and are never seen again!

Jiggs: Alright let's go!

They head to the the woods and walks to Biggie's household barnshack. Biggie was a large man who hobbies was decoding stuff and watching children from afar for seemly no reason. He likes to offer kids to come to his house for treats and toys. When asked why, he says he gets lonely at home and need company for some "private fun", but they never knew what he meant since the teachers would scare him off before we could answer. They knock on the door of his rundown shack. The dook creaks and opens to Biggie standing there. A big smile comes across his face.

Biggie: Ah... Children... What brings you to Uncle Biggie's Shack? Here to have some... "Fun"...

Shookboi: Nope! We need you to crack this code. Its a clue for the magical necktie!

Biggie: The magical necktie you say? [Man the amount of kids I could wish for with that necktie...] I'll tell you what, If I do this for you, Uncle Biggie here wants a crack at that necktie, alright kiddies?

Both: Oki doki Uncle Biggie!

Biggie: Good... now, go sit on my couch in my living room. I'll take a look at this and then we can discuss... payment... *he chuckles*

Jiggs: Oki sir.

Jiggs and Shookboi heads to Biggie's living room and sits on his old, dusty, crusty couch. After 5 minutes, Biggie comes out of the next room and tells the kids the news.

Biggie: Looks like I can decipher your little clue here, but I wont do it for free.

Jiggs: But we dont have any money sir.

Shookboi: Yea we broke. Can we pay you another day?

Biggie: Dont worry kiddies, There is something you can do for me....

Shookkims McGummble And The Magical Necktie {TEMPORARY DISCONTINUE}Where stories live. Discover now