The Commotion

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It's been about three years since all hell broke loose. A small group of five, four being one boy and three girls of the age 13 and another boy of age 15, were walking along the side of a road next to a thick forest. They had large duffle bags and instrument cases on their backs, weapons in hand.
They walked in complete silence, watching and listening to their surroundings carefully. Only a few minutes later did they walk into a small abandoned 'town' made up of only a music store, supermarket, and a gas station. They all stayed on guard as they looked at each other.

????'s POV
I looked at my brother and the three close friends we've had since kindergarten. "Rose? How do you suggest we do this?" Kyle asks me, even though he's the oldest one in the group I'm still the leader. "Hmm, how 'bout we split up into two groups this time. Me and Matty will check out the music store and you can check the supermarket with your sisters. Stay there and we'll come over in a couple of minutes, 'kay?" I look at Kyle, Amber, and Sky as they all nod and head off towards the abandoned supermarket with their weapons ready.
I look at Matty and we both nod in unison before heading to the music store with our bows and arrows ready in case groaners show up. (A/N: groaners are what they call the walkers ^.^)
Now, most people would wonder why we would go to a music store during the apocalypse. Truth is, music was a strong part of our lives from before all this started, it's extremely important to us, or at least in one way or another, each of us have our own reasons for it.
Me and my brother walk into the store and the bell attached to the door rings and echoes around the store. Six groaners come to greet us. Me being quicker with my bow than my brother, killed four of them while I let Matty kill the other two.
We checked for more but there weren't any other groaners left in the store, so we started looking around the store. We grabbed some strings and cords for our guitars and continued looking around until we heard a commotion outside. It was coming from the direction of the supermarket.
I quickly walked outside with Matty in tow. When I look over at the front of the supermarket I see Kyle and the twins aiming their weapons at a group of people.
This new group consisted of a woman with a katana, a man that looked like a redneck with a crossbow, another man with a pistol that was at the front of the group, "I suppose he's the leader," and then a boy with a cowboy hat and pistol that looked about our age.
"Drop your weapons." I hear Kyle tell them. "We're not here to hurt you. We just came here looking for some supplies, that's all." the leader guy says calmly. I put my arrow back into the holster with the others and put my bow on my back in a spot where I can still get to it quickly, beside my guitar case. Then I signal to Matty to do the same before I walk closer to the groups while crossing my arms. I put on a slight frown as I got within a few feet from all of them.
None of them seemed to have noticed me there so I cleared my throat, to catch their attention, and every one of them looked at me. I glance over at my three friends who were looking at me while still aiming their weapons at the newcomers. I then look at the other people who had their weapons in hand but they were slightly lowered, I analyze them for a little bit longer before speaking while still watching them.
"My group. Weapons. Down. Now." "But..." "Shut up, Kyle. They're telling the truth. If they were planning on hurting you then they would've fired already before you could've said anything. Plus, if you take a closer look at them, their weapons are slightly lowered. They're only prepared to kill any groaners that come near, not ready to shoot you like you seem to think. Now go back to being civilized and put your weapons up."
I sigh in slight annoyance as they put their weapons away and Kyle smirks at me. "That's why your the leader, doll." I glare at him. I hated that nickname and he knew it.
Hey! This is the first chapter of my first fanfic! Hope y'all enjoyed it! Look forward to the next chapter, it'll be very soon! (Sorry if it was a bit short to some of you, I meant to make it longer but didn't really have much more time) ~ Ali🌹

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