Chapter 158 - Fault

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Jennie closed her eyes.... her ears were still ringing from the deafening sound of the gun.

She was waiting for the pain. For the throb, somewhere in her body.

Maybe her arms? Or stomach? Wu Ziliang was previously aiming at her stomach, so the wound should be somewhere there.

Then she felt... nothing? .


Jennie's eyes snapped open, the moment she realized that she was in somebody's embrace.

"M..Mino? » She asked, as she shook her cousin's arm.

Yet, to her surprise, her cousin did not respond.

Jennie's body started to shake as she slowly stepped out from her cousin's embrace.

Then she noticed the dark scarlet fluid flowing through her hands.


Her eyes widened, as she looked at Wang Mino, who was already lying unconscious next to her.

Instantly, a light sob escaped from Jennie's throat as she crumpled to her knees.

"Help... Help!" She yelled at the people who were running towards the door.

"Mino? Can you hear me?" She asked while trying to find the source of the blood on his body.

When she noticed that it was from his back, she immediately pressed at the wound, as she continued to ask for help.

Jennie shuddered looking at Wang Mino's pale face.

Everything seemed to become a blur in Jennie's mind. How did this happen?

"No.. don't touch him!" She bellowed, when she noticed someone trying to take her hands off her cousin's body.

"Young Miss... calm yourself. The ambulance is here." She heard Bei Ye's voice, waking her from her stupor.

She must have been in a daze. She did not even notice the medics in front of her.

Jennie watched as the medics put her cousin on a stretcher and took him out of the hall rushly.

She absentmindedly followed them and did not even notice how she got to the hospital.

Her mind was in a daze. Her heart in chaos.

It was all her fault.

How could she just watched as Wu Ziliang aimed her gun at her? When has she became so stupid?

Jennie couldn't help clenching her fists in annoyance. She was supposed to protect her cousin and everyone around her!

Not the other way around!

"Young Miss... please wash your hands. I also brought you some clothes so you can change. I will accompany you to the comfort room." She heard Wang Bolin's voice.

At that moment Jennie realized that his blood was still on her shaking hands.

The scarlet thick liquid seemed to burn a hole in her mind. What did she do to her cousin? She was the one who was supposed to get shot.

She was the one who deserved that bullet, not her cousin. It should never have been ever Mino.

She closed her eyes as tears started to pour on her cheeks.

Her heart almost breaking from the sadness and guilt that she felt.

« Jennie?!!! Jenjen?! My goodness, child... I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your cousin. I.. I was out at a very important meeting. I... come here." Zhao Chittip ran towards her daughter-in-law and hugged her, when she noticed her current expression

And that's when Jennie broke down.

Her tears burst spilling down her face. All the defence walls around her heart collapsed as her shoulders started to shake. She sobbed in her mother's arms, hands clutching at her jacket.

As much as she tried to hold it in, Jennie couldn't stop the pain that came pouring from her throat. Her sobs wracked in her chest as she continued to cry her heart out.

The weight on her heart rocked her being as her world became a blur of gray.

This was her fault. Her fault.

"Shhh..." Zhao Chittip shushed the woman in her arms, while patting her head. Jennie's raw emotions came crashing at her, like water in the dam. Overcoming Zhao Chittip's stone-cold expression.

Zhao Chittip continued to comfort Jennie, while trying to stop her tears. The moment she was informed that something happened to Jennie, she immediately ended her meeting and made her way to the hospital.

Who would have thought that she would be met by Jennie's lost expression while looking at her bloodstained hands?

Zhao Chittip's heart instantly broke, the moment Jennie started sobbing in her arms.

Jennie's noisy sobs echoed in the hallway of the emergency room.

Her emotion seems to affect everyone as Wang Bolin's and even Bei Ye's eyes started to turn red.

They knew how much the young miss loved her family. They knew how much she loved her cousin.

Now that Wang Mino was on the verge of death because of Wu ZIliang, they couldn't help but wonder what the young miss would do once she recovered from her guilt and sadness.

Will she... will she kill Wu Ziliang herself?

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