Chapter 52 - Simple, Vulnerable Woman

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Days passed and wonbin continued to suffer from the sudden scandals that hit his company.

While he is doing his best to win over the raging board members, Lu CL and nancy are also doing their best to win the sympathy of the people.

nancy issued an apology to Jennie. She used all her acting talents as she cried and begged for Jenni's's forgiveness in an interview.

After the interview, nancy suddenly got sick and was admitted to the hospital. The doctors informed the media that it was because of depression.

nancy's situation earned her some sympathy. The mother and daughter pair thought that they could fall everyone.

However, who is Jennie?

Jennie already know what they are planning.. So, she did the best thing, okay maybe the second best thing that she is good at, ignoring them.

She chose to stay silent and watched the show that the mother and daughter pair wanted to brew.she can't really help but applaud both Lu CL and nancy

They almost used all of their efforts just for their plans ah. Just like what Lu CL said, they are going all out!

And for what?

Just to get lisa from Jennie.

And to think that lisa is not even hers.


"You know, I always thought that the almighty Young Master manoban is worth something like this. I mean look at the effort that nancy is doing just to gain a little sympathy from you." Jennie said, her voice a little bubbly.

"Hmmm... »lisa just nodded and chose not to say anything. This did not happen in his previous life. His interference in Jennie's life must have made a lot of changes.

However, lisa does not have any time to dwell with unimportant people right now. They are on their way to see the results of the National Exams!

This is a very exciting event for him ah. Fu Jin's lips curled as he took a peek at the necklace hanging in Jennie's neck.

The necklace suit her pale neck. He always wanted to give this necklace to her in his past life. However, his cowardice won over his feelings.

The glowing appreciation in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by Jennie.

Seeing his intense gaze, Jennie can't help the little red hue from showing in her ears. She already knows what lisa is thinking and to be honest, she is quite excited to know the result of the exam as well.

Wait, did she just blush?

Jennie widened her eyes then lowered her head in embarrassment.

Since when did this guy's gaze had this effect on her?

Sensing that lisa is still looking at her,she made a direct eye contact with him as she gives him a glare.

This guy should just stop looking at her like this. She is also a woman ah.

A simple, vulnerable woman!

When lisa saw her reaction, he immediately chuckled. His beloved is the most beautiful.

"So, are you going to stay in the car?" she asked her gaze unfocused, trying to avoid another eye contact.

"Yes." He answered.

"Why?" She asks clearly confused. "Do you already know the result of the exam?"

"No. But I already know that I will win," he answered while giving her a smirk.

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