Chapter 62 - Queen And King

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Jennie's stomach is shaking as she continued to dissolve herself in a puddle of laughter.

"Did you see their faces? Did you? hahaha... That was so satisfying! Oh my...I feel like doing this every day"she burst into another set of giggles while her shoulders are shaking with joy. She is still holding at her stomach when she looked at lisa who was sulking beside her. "Ah... my belly is starting to hurt from too much laughter." .

Lisa is not in a very good mood. And Jennie certainly knew why. She did not inform him about her entire plan because she is already assuming that he will react like this.

She scoots over towards him and gives him her best puppy eyes.

"Hey, don't be mad. I did not look at kai or the naked man on the bed," She murmured. "Plus we are already adults, It wasn't really a threesome. It's an illusion. People will still judge him no matter what. I just paid the man to hide in the room and just go to the bed once the commotion started. Also-"

she hardly had any moment to react when lisa's hot lips slammed into hers, almost knocking down all wind from her lungs.

She stifled a surprised gasp as her eyes widen when she realized what had happened.

Though she experienced kissing other guys in her past life, jennie felt completely unprepared this time.

Their lips held it for a few seconds before her lips started to move in sync with his. His lips tasted like mint and maybe cotton candy. She closed her eyes as the kiss deepened.

She felt his hands in her waist; pulling her closer as she tangled her arms around his neck.

jennie can feel the something like magic ignited deep within her. Sending a strong feeling of warmth through her system.

On the other hand, lisa can barely contain himself anymore. The intimate kiss is slowly consuming his sanity. He badly wanted this. No! He needed this. This was the kiss that he never experienced in his past life.

For so long, he always wondered how it felt to kiss his beloved. He dreamed of it for a thousand times. He craved for this moment.

And now, here it is.

This... This felt real. It felt good. This felt right.

He can feel the heat in his body multiplied; intoxicating him. His hands began to venture over her waist. Slowly exploring the curves in her body. He wanted more. He wanted more than this kiss.

However, it is not the time yet.

He needed to wait. Wait for the right time.

After what seemed to be forever. They slowly pulled apart. He leaned down, resting his head against hers as they take shaky shallow breaths.

"The thought of seeing you in any danger is killing me. Don't... do not ever do that to me again." He said in his husky deep voice.

jennie stared at lisa . Her cheeks tinted red and her lips a little numb from their intense first kiss.

This man... The man before her is slowly melting her heart, and she could not deny it. He is like a concentrated water trying to make his way into her heart. She could try and block him but he will always find a little crack, a hole where he can fit himself into and continue to break her defenses.

Somehow, she felt so lucky. Meeting a man like him is this lifetime is her greatest blessing.

Their relationship might be new, but she can already feel it in her heart, This man before her is worth every moment of her future. And she will always treasure every moment with him.

Maybe this is her salvation. He is her salvation. Maybe the gods gave this man to her, so she could enjoy her second chance and not just wilt into revenge and apathy.

Right then and there, she decided not to let moments with lisa slide through her fingers like a worthless penny. She will never let it fly unnoticed across the empty horizon. Jennie sigh as she felt the certainty slowly making its way into her eyes.

Then she gives him a small nod before giving him a smile as she whispered."I promise."

Of course, she will try her best to avoid future situations like this. She will also try her best not to worry lisa again.

After all, a Queen is not really a happy Queen with a worried King beside her. Right?

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