Chapter 45 - Peculiar Lisa

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The commotion caused by both crystal and nancy is not enough to stop Jennie's birthday party.

Although some of the guests decided to leave because of guilt and shame, the majority still chose to stay. After all, both Wang Guiren and Lisa manoban can be considered big names in the business industry.

Jennie decided to continue the party because of two reasons. First, she does not want to embarrass her grandfather. Second, she wanted to prove to everyone that she had the ability to handle unexpected situations like this.

This will help her establish a reputation for her future endeavors.

Jennie is currently enjoying herself. She is laughing while talking to her possible shareholders.

Although she disliked most of them, Jennie decided that it is essential to building some connections for the Wang Group..

Her grandfather originally wanted her to be the future CEO, but she refused to accept this arrangement.

It's not that she does not want to be a CEO. It's just she wanted to become one by her own hard work.

After some presentations, Jennie played the piano for everyone. Because of this, the environment turns joyful for the better.

However, it did not last long.

An attendant showed up to inform them that CL and Wonbin is asking to see her and her grandfather. Of course, Jennie refused to see them.

After what happened tonight, she understood that both them are full of schemes and evil intentions. The events that transpired tonight sealed both of the fates in Jennie's.

Jennie was intentionally planning not to involve her father in her revenge. After all, she thought that only CL wanted to harm her. However, her father unexpectedly is as scheming and evil as CL.

Now, you might ask why she is so certain on having her revenge against that woman? That's because 2 days ago, Wang Mino informed her that he had a breakthrough and was able to trace the identity of the person helping CL.

When Jennie heard of that person's name, she was taken aback. The person is known not just in the country as a business tycoon. He is also known to have connections underground. This person is undeniably a very hard enemy to deal with. But Jennie was already making preparations in dealing with CL's accomplice for hurting her and possibly her mother's murder.

Though she can't help but wonder why CL is acquainted with someone like him. She also wondered why she was sending some sort of a payment to the man monthly.

"Hey, are you alright?" Lisa suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

"Hmmm," jennie nodded. Since lisa arrived, he never once left her side.

Tonight, this man truly surprised her. She found herself totally impressed by the young man. From the sudden confession in front of everyone to his social skills. Everything is unexpected for her.

She always saw him as someone peculiar and maybe a little on the weird side. But after tonight, she will have to reconsider her opinions of the man next to her.

After lisa's confession, almost every big name in the industry tried to have a conversation with both of them. Some wished him luck while some are shamelessly congratulating him. Obviously, they just wanted to get into Young Master manoban's good side. But lisa didn't mind at all.

He would smile at everyone, laughed elegantly at their jokes and talked about the current business society with no qualms at all.

This happened while he was standing next to her. Never leaving her side. He would even occasionally brush his arms against hers and sometimes touch her waist to support her. Of course, his ever gentle gaze is always present every time he looks at her.

For Jennie, this is not a big deal at all. In fact, she seems to like having his attention. Hah. This selfish side of her is creeping out slowly.

However, these gestures earned some envy and hate from other younger women.

Some younger women would approach them while acting friendly and pretending to be interested in talking to Jennie.

While most of these women will just look at her companion flirtatiously. Some really have the guts to try and pat him while laughing or wink at him.

To her surprise, lisa would reprimand them directly and ask about their background so he could remind their elders to teach them some manners.

Lisa's reaction caused the poor women to pale in fright. They eventually walked away without saying anything.

While doing this, he would sound so righteous and mature. Of course, this action earned Jennie's giggles.

However, her giggles were interrupted by another piece of annoying news. Someone suddenly informed her that CL is creating a scene outside the venue.

Shouting at everyone for them to call Jennie.

"Let's go. Let's see what that woman will do this time." Jennie murmured as he took a step towards CL's location with Lisa in tow.

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