"PENELOPE!" I can hear my two grandmas scream my name from across the ballroom, they may be old but they have more energy than me. My two grandpas follow their wives as my grandmas walked quickly to give me a big hug

Granpa Carlos husband of Mamita Daphne and Granpa Loui husband of Granny Rita

"You've grown mia amata!" (You've grown my lovely!) Granny Rita kissed my cheek and Granpa Loui gave me a sweet smile

At the corner of my eyes, I saw someone who I haven't met before, it was a beautiful dark-skinned Indian woman with long lashes. I can't seem to take my eyes off of how she looked so elegant in a sweater dress

"Mamita Daphne, who's that?" I pointed to the pretty Indian woman, her height was like that of a model and she has luscious dark hair going down her face

"Oh that is your cousin's fiancee, Ramira" Granny Rita excitedly told me, the Price clan will get bigger again

"Wait, which cousin?"

"Your cousin Dylan of course, he met her while studying in Harvard" Mamita Daphne put an arm around me as we all up to Ramira

She was talking to Vivi and when Mamita Daphne called her name she turned her head to face us and I saw her pearly white teeth when she gave us a grin. When Ramira saw me I instantly said "Namaste" out of respect while my hand are in a praying position

She greeted me also in the same manner but more refined "Namaste"

I really haven't studied much about learning the Hindi language but I guess since Ramira will join the family soon I have no choice so she won't feel out of place, I saw my cousin Dylan who was holding two glasses of punch on each hand and when he saw me he turned around to the other direction

"Dylan" I greeted him and he sensed that he was in trouble so he gave out a nervous chuckle "Heyyy Penelope"

"I heard that this lovely lady here is your fiancee" I gestured my hand to Ramira

He gulped "Y-yeah"

"I thought you promised me I will be the first to know if you are going to marry, why on earth am I the last one to know?"

Me and Dylan are like brothers and sisters, Dylan was usually the peacemaker and the 2nd eldest out of all of my cousins. He bears the brunt of my violence when I was little

He promised me that when he plans to propose he will tell me first before the entire family knows, it seems like he knows why so he is avoiding me right now

"Why won't you give your cousin a hug?" I asked him innocently and gave a pouty face

"No thanks I think I'll greet you with a wave here"

I can see cold nervous sweet calm down at the side of his face, Ramira giggled "Why won't you give her a hug?" She puts an arm around me

"Ramira, love of my life, if you really love me don't make me go near Penelope at all cost"

"I think this sweet girl would do nothing to you, I mean look at your stature versus her"

Ramira is right
While Ramira was talking to Dylan and my grandparents were off to greet the newcomers I gave Dylan an evil smile, he saw it and I can see him shiver in fear

Ramira looked at me "What's your name I'm Ramira!" She has a bubbly personality that I instantly liked about her

"I'm Penelope"

Ramira looked at Dylan while one of her arms is still around me "Dylan come here, I don't know what has gotten into you but it is rude to act like that in front of your family member"

I smirked evilly at Dylan "Yeah Dylan you are being rude here" when Ramira looks at me I gave her a smile pretending that I didn't give Dylan an evil smirk

Dylan puts down the two glasses on a table as he decided to accept his fate "Do I have to?" He whined to Ramira

Ramira gave Dylan a straight face, he looked at me then groaned "Fine, if I die we're still getting married"

"She won't do such a thing"

He hesitated to come closer to me, every time I took a step closer he would take two steps back. While he was frozen in place I ran to hug him and he freaked out letting out a girly scream

Ramira was holding her laughter and everyone in the room stopped to stare at Dylan show as now beet red

"See? She didn't kill you right?" Ramira patted Dylan's back and his face looked exhausted

Dylan crossed his arms like a kid to Ramira "I can't believe my fiancee would do that" he sighs

Since Dylan has finally calmed down he decided to change the subject "So I heard from Adeline that you have a boyfriend now, is it true!? I mean with your personality and violen-" Ramira covered his mouth to prevent him from saying more

Ramira rolled her eyes at her future husband "I think I have to have a private talk with Dylan, it was nice meeting you Penelope" she waved at me before pushing Dylan to the corner to talk with him

I saw everyone being frozen in place
Why is everyone looking at the entrance

That's when I saw it, Cloud entered the ballroom with his strong presence

Author's Note:
Hello my dear readers

It seems that I got sick from eating too many sweets so tomorrow I will try my best to update. I might have to apologize early if the next chapter will be short 😅

 I might have to apologize early if the next chapter will be short 😅

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