Confodietur In Corde

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❞𝕵alal Talpur

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❞𝕵alal Talpur."

"So you knew him?"

"Barely," his eyes narrowed.

"He was shot outside his house. His son tried to save him but unfortunately, he couldn't do much. He died in his arms," Badar. I held my breath until blood throbbed in my head. It couldn't be. And yet it was.

"That's heartbreaking-"

"Of course, it is," I stared at my despicable cousin. One fist clenched at my side as things that drew out a strange fear in my chest took hold. How had that golden boy with a charming smile turned into this monster? I glared at him, glad to see him lower his gaze beneath my scrutiny for once.

"You know something."

"What do you mean?" I demanded again when he looked away. I'd heard it from him, but now I couldn't be sure I'd gotten the whole story. That nervous tick, that overly enthusiastic smile. He was being too cavalier about this.

"Spill it."

"I don't know anything Daania, you've gone off the rails-"

Rage ripped through me and I lowered my voice to a hush.

"Ghazanfar if you don't start talking in the next thirty seconds I will have Scorpio pound you into the ground and leave you rotting in the gardens."

The color drained from his face.

It was the last thing he expected me to say, and it was written all over his face. For the second time in this conversation, I had the one-up on him.

He cleared his throat, recovering quickly. "Woah chill Daania, what's wrong with you? I knew you were hot-tempered but shit-"

"Watch it."

He let out a harsh laugh. "You've changed."

"I don't have time for your psychosis. Tell me what you know."

"Don't bother, your husband already tried that with me-"

"He doesn't know you as I do," I released a rattled breath and swallowed the trauma-induced vomit back into my gut. "I know what a slimy piece of work you are Ghazanfar. So start talking."

"Or else what?"

"Or else I'll have all of your inheritance and your business is taken away. You and your mother can roam in the streets for all I care."

He let out a nervous chuckle and held out his hands. "You won't do that."

"Try me. One call and the entire FIA and NAB would be knocking down your door."

𝔇𝔞𝔴𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔇𝔲𝔰𝔨 (The Legacy Duet - 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora