Chapter 1: i've got a friend

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Y/n's POV:
I just moved to Toronto so I'm still unpacking some stuff, but I'm almost done, it's my second day here and tomorrow I'll go to my new school for the first time. When I was done unpacking I went downstairs to drink some water and watch Netflix, when it was 11 pm I decided that I should go to sleep, i wished my mom and brother goodnight and went upstairs, I already was pretty tired so I could fall asleep easily.
6 am in the morning:

*Beep beep beep beep* I yawned as I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.
I get up and take a quick shower, after that I get dressed for school, I'm pretty excited but also a little bit nervous, after I dressed up I went downstairs.

This is what you wear (you can choose or use your imagination<3):

This is what you wear (you can choose or use your imagination<3):

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(Remember it's about the clothes in these pictures not about the bodies, you're beautiful as you are<3)

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(Remember it's about the clothes in these pictures not about the bodies, you're beautiful as you are<3)

I walk downstairs and head towards the kitchen to make breakfast, when I've made my food I sit down at the table and eat it while scrolling through Instagram on my phone.
When I'm done eating breakfast I grab all the stuff that I need and wait for the bus. Finally it's there and I sit down and put my earphones in and listen to my favourite songs. After 20 minutes the bus arrived at my school and I get out as I thank the driver. I take a deep breath and walk inside school, not much later a teacher comes walking next to me and asks me if I need any help. Where can I find my locker? I asked.
Follow me, she says and starts walking. I try to follow her but she walks so fast that I'm almost running, I must look very stupid right now. She stops abruptly and I almost bump into her. she says, here, you can put your stuff in your locker right now if you want to. I wanted to say thank you but she was already walking back to her office. While i am putting my books in my locker i hear the school bell ringing. I speed walk towards my classroom and I'm just on time.
First class, science. Okay class grab your books so we can get started, the teacher announces. She looks my way. Ahh, you're the new girl right? I'm Mrs. Brown and you? I'm Y/n. I respond. Beautiful name. Okay has everyone grabbed their books?
I just wanted to grab mine when I realised it wasn't in my bag, and I didn't put it in my locker either. Shit, I whispered under my breath. A girl stands up and walks my way with a science book in her hands. Here, you can use mine. Thank you, I say smiling.
She sits back down and whispers, I'm Sam by the way. I'm y/n.
Girls will you now listen I'm trying to teach y'all something.
I'm sorry, Sam and I both say at the same time. After my first few classes it's lunch break, and when I walk into the big canteen, I see no one I can sit with. On my left are the popular girls and on my right are the teacher's pets. I don't fit in any of these groups. I just wanted to walk towards a dirty empty table when I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, I slowly turn around and see Sam. Wanna sit with me?
Yea, sure thanks. We sit down and we start talking about a lot of stuff, we find out that we actually have a lot in common. My first school day went by really quick, I sat next to Sam in every class and at every break. I think I've made a new friend.


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