Part 8

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Raye indicated that Seto was dueling with the Pharaoh. Raye would go back to him and Lady of the lake would take me to where she last saw Joey.

Once I got to the spot I noticed a dark energy in the air, I noticed Lady of the lake was having a hard time because she is a light monster so I thanked her and brought her back into my desk. I walked further alone towards the harbor and saw several strange hunters walking around. I walked carefully and unseen towards the boat where I saw some strange hunters and noticed that they were guarding someone. I grabbed my Amazon Archer card and pulled her out of the card. "Can you distract the group of Rare Hunters for me?" I asked her. She nodded and disappeared.

Not much later I saw the weird hunters move away from their spots and knew she had distracted them. I crept to the door and listened for anything inside, heard nothing and slipped in. Once inside I saw Tea standing in the middle of the room with a blank face. "Tea?, Tea?" I called softly to get her attention but got no response, I had a feeling she might be possessed and wanted to get her out only before I could complete the spell a blow to my head stopped the unfinished spell and became my world black.

I moaned as I tried to open my eyes but a throbbing pain in my head was making it difficult for me to open them properly. After I managed to really open my eyes I saw a man with white hair standing in front of me and the Millenium Rod in his hand "shit" was the only thing I could say. "My enchantress" spoke the man before me "Let me introduce myself I'm Marik and you will be my queen little Ciana" said the man and my eyes wide on his last comment. "Uh, no ... I've had it with men, you only give problems" I replied back.

Marik started laughing "Problems in paradise?, even more reason to join me" I looked at him angrily. "It's this or a one-way ride to the shadow realm my Queen".

"I will never join you, the Pharaoh will win this" I responded despite being mad at him I knew he had to win this. "But without you" said Marik and the Rod started to glow. "Armilla millennium protegat" I shouted but not much later I was no longer in the boat but in the shadow realm in a bubble that apparently protected me from the dark forces that started attacking the bubble I was in. I noticed that holding up the protection cost me energy. I looked around and saw Joey and Tea floating around but noticed it was their soul so their body could be controlled just like the weird hunters.

I grabbed my dueling cards in my hands and looked for my fengsheng mirror card. I closed my eyes and released a game "Ostende mihi quid vis obscura videt" I opened my eyes and saw the mirror in my hand. Through the mirror I saw that Yugi/Yami was dueling Joey and Tea was tied to a chair. I looked next to me and saw Joey hovering there again. "Joey" I screamed "Joey you must remember!!, fight the darkness!!" I yelled. It seemed to work and I saw Joey's soul disappear and come back again until he was completely gone, I looked around but didn't see Tea anymore and looked through the mirror and saw that Tea was herself again.

Joey came back and I knew that Marik took over again "You can't save them Pharaoh" I heard Marik's voice say "The little Enchantress can't help you anymore" Marik said and I saw the Pharaoh's eyes widened. "What have you done with her Marik?" I heard the Pharaoh shout out loud.

"Why are you worried about her  Pharaoh, you drove her away yourself" he laughed.

The duel continued and eventually Joey managed to free himself from Marik's grip. Yugi who had taken over from the Pharaoh again gave Joey the millennium puzzle after which he attacked himself and his life points went to 0. Since they were both tied to an anchor and only the one who won could get the key to disconnect, Joey's locker opened and Yugi was pulled into the water. "Anael, the mermaid knight, Save Yugi and Joey" I yelled in fear because not only Yugi but also Joey was now in the water, she answered my plea and I saw her swim towards the two and save them. After calling her I felt my energy decrease considerably. Now that I realized I could summon a monster I used all the strength I had left in me to get myself out of here and I just hoped I could. I used my 'Clear World' spell card and cast a spell and focused all my strength on it. A big flash of light blinded me and I felt my energy drain completely. When I could open my eyes again I saw that I was back on the boat and not a strange hunter around. "Raya?" I wondered aloud who came to me not much later and looked at me with a concerned look "My Lady, are you alright?" she asked. "Just a little tired, don't worry" I started. "The group where are they now? is everyone safe?"

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