Chapter 11

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|Technoblade POV|

Everyone in the room was quiet for a bit while we we're waiting for Jacobs parents. As we we're waiting I got a bad felling in my stomach.

I started to get anxious, I felt sick. I looked around the room for something to focus on. I took a few quiet deep breaths and closed my eyes.

While I had my eyes closed. The door flung open and I jumped.

"Oh my poor baby, what happened?!" Cried a woman. Wait a minute. 'no. No no no!' I looked over at Jacob and saw one of the old foster parents.

'HOW DID I NOT RECOGNIZE HIM' I stood up quickly and backed towards Phil. Everyone looked at me confused.

Except for her.

"Ugh it that brat." She said. I started to panic even more. She was the worst of them all. She'd lock me in a room for hours with no food.

She'd hit me for no reason. One time the threatened to stab me and cut my entire arm open.

"P-phil." I mumbled.

"God, how are you able to deal with her?"

Phil stood up, the principal sat in her chair confused.

"Ma'am please sit down. Mr. Phil sit." She said. I was shaking like crazy. 'I can't stay in here.'

"Phil." I said again. I felt Phil's hand on my shoulder. My breathing quickened as I pushed his hand away. Jacob started laughing.

His mom smirked. "Long time no see useless."

I shook my head. "N-no." I said quietly. Wilbur tugged on my hoodie. I turned to look at him. He smiled at me slightly and tried to calm me down without saying anything.

I looked away from him and back at her. I couldn't let my guard down around her.

Why was Phil letting this go on for so long. I looked back at Phil, he was staring down Jacobs mom. The principal sighed.

"Rose. Sit. Down." She said angrily. I looked over at her. My panic started to become more and more visible. I took a shaky breath and sat down. I ignored the deadnaming and just tried to zone out.

"And she still can't listen to a damn thing." Mumbled Jacobs mother.

"That's enough." Phil said. He was pissed. I looked over at him. I held back tears. "If you can't shut the fuck up and stop talking about my kid like that , I might beat the shit outta you."

The principal sat in shock. "Philza Minecraft!" She shouted. "Sit down!" Phil looked at her.

"This woman is verbally abusing my child!" Phil yelled back. 'wait, his... Child?' I looked at Wilbur who looked just as upset as Phil.

"I'm sure if you both just shut up you could resolve this!" The principal stood up and slammed her hand on the desk. I jumped out of my seat and backed up.

Too much was happening at once. I looked around nervously and started to breathe even heavier.

|Philza POV|

I looked and Techno who just looked scared. I wanted to tell him it was okay but I had to fight this bitch.

"Excuse me?!" I said. "What the hell! She obviously caused him trauma before! He's scared to be in the same fucking room as her even with me here!" I was more than pissed.

Words couldn't describe the amount of anger I felt. I kept checking back to make sure the bitch didn't touch my kids. Wilbur was hugging Techno.

"Well I'm sorry your kids useless!" I turned around. Barely able to hold back the urge to slap her across the face.

"What. The. Fuck."

"I've taken care of that brat before! You can't blame me for locking her in a room almost everyday!"

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!" I practically screamed. I was shaking with anger. "YOU LOCKED A CHILD IN A FUCKING ROOM?!?!" This time the principal stayed silent.

"I'm surprised you haven't yet. That little shit is like fucking Satan."

"WHY WOULD I TRAUMATIZE MY KIDS?!" I did scream this time. I turned around to see even Wilbur shaking. 'fuck. Fuck. Fuck.' I quickly turned to the two.

"Hey," I said, trying to sound calm. "Go find Tommy, we're leaving." Wilbur nodded and started to leave but Techno didn't move.

He was shaking. I couldn't tell if he was still scared or angry. He looked up at me. "Y-you called me your kid..." My heart completely broke. A tear rolled down his face.

He looked over at Jacobs mom. "Everyone else treated me like shit......" He said glaring at her. "You fucking cut my arm open and threatened to stab me."

My anger got even worse. "What?! She fucking cut your arm?!"


"Shut-!" I said interrupting the stupid ass principal. If I was pissed before, I don't know what I was now. "There is no fucking excuse to physically harm a kid, that's already been through so much shit. More pain than you'll ever feel in your entire life."

I looked at Techno who was now silently sobbing. Wilbur had came back with Tommy. I wrapped my arms around Techno. He sobbed into my shirt and held onto me.

I stood up after a few moments and looked at the principal. "You can expect to never be seeing any of us again and you," I said while turning to face the other woman, "can be expecting me to call the police."

Techno stayed at my side as I flipped them off and walked out of the building. Tommy and Wilbur followed closely behind.

As we were about halfway to the car Technoblade stopped. He was still crying and looked at me. "Di-did you mean it?" He asked quietly.

My heart broke a second time. I could tell that I'd be crying myself to sleep tonight. I instantly hugged him.

"Of course I did bud." Tommy sat awkwardly, as he had no idea what had happened. Techno pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears.

"Can you call the cops now?" Techno asked with a small Huff of a laugh. I smiled.

"Hell yah."
1025 words.
I'm not crying, my eyes are just leaking. Btw I'm gonna start rewriting until the end of time bc it doesn't line up with the story line of this and I want it to soooooo. Bye bestiesssssss.

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