Will never be the same

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A/N: I recommend listening to the song "After Dark" by Mr. Kitty for this chapter!" for the vibes you know 🤪

It's been a year since the two have been locked up. Both of Seulgi's and Rosé's personalities have changed drastically. Seulgi became one of the girls people are usually cool with and respect. She has made a good group of friends that stick up for her as much as she'll stick up for them. As for Rosé, she has became overly aggressive. Even fight at least 3 times a week 2 times if you're lucky. People that aren't in her gang try to avoid her as much as possible so they won't set her off, although it still happens anyway.

It was gotten so bad that she is even put into solitary confinement quite frequently. Which is when you are in an isolated cell with practically no contact with other inmates. And you can be kept there for days, weeks, months or even decades. In her case, she would be in there for a few weeks at a time. Since she was that much of a danger to the others. Even though it was a good decision to get Rosé away from fellow inmates, she did develop deep, deep depression.

Because they weren't seeing any improvement, they decided to move her to a maximum security level prison. There she has no chances to lash out on others.

In general she was just a very angry person. You wouldn't even catch her smiling, not even as little as a smirk. She keeps to herself and  is trying her best to cure her depression. When it comes to he anger issue, she denies them, because of that, it's impossible for her to listen and get the proper help for it. If an officer would recommend something she will either attack them or pretend to care about what they were saying and just ignore their words.

And that is Rosé.

She never became the same shy, bubbly, scaredy-cat girl she used to be.  It was like this person wasn't even Rosé.

At this point it would be hard to believe that Rosé used to be afraid of a clown in a movie stabbing himself since she ended up stabbing people herself.

She spent the rest of her life in prison all because she was dealing with many mental issues that were holding her back from getting help. She just couldn't listen to anyone.

Rosé was never the same. Ever again. But she was The Last One Standing.

Hope you enjoyed reading my story! Please took forward to my future books. I really appreciate you reading and I hope you'll return later on ;)

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