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Jennie grabbed the man's leg in an attempt to drag him but failed. "This body is so damn heavy! Don't just stand around, come and help!" Jisoo and Rosé listened and helped get the body out of the room.

"Alright, where are we putting this?" Jisoo asked. "What about the pond beside the house?" Rosé suggested. Jennie shook her head. "No that's way to obvious of an area." "Then, I don't know." "No. We will put it in the pond." Jisoo said sternly. "Once people notice that weird thing, the public could care less how it got there. They would be more focused on the actual creature." "Ah. That's makes sense." Jennie grinned. "Okay, let's get this thing in the pond."

They all carefully dragged the body into the pond. Doing their best to make sure the neighbors didn't see anything. The girls all washed up their hands and sat together on the couch.

"Rosé." She looked up at Jisoo knowing what she was going to say. "We need to talk about what just happened. All of us. Why did you play with the board again? You summoned this thing in our house and ended up having to throw it in the pond!" Jennie noticed the distraught look on her face. "Please be easy on her Jisoo. She needed some type of closure. To be fair, she did meet Lisa before us." "I guess you're right. But that doesn't take away from the fact that all of that crazy stuff just happened." "I know." Rosé said in a quiet tone. "I'm sorry for causing such a mess. I didn't think any thing like this would happen. At all.""it's not your fault, alright?" Jennie gave Rosé a reassuring look and patted her on the back.

"I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." Jennie got up from the couch and walked upstairs to where the bathroom was.

Little did she know, she would see something a bit unsettling. As she walked in, carved in the walls, with what looked like to be with a knife, were the words.

"Another one of you is next. I will take over."

Jennie gasped. "What the hell is that?! Guys?.." She called out. "Can you come up here really quick?" Soon enough the other two came running up the stairs to see what was going on.
"Look on the wall." Both of their jaws dropped. Neither of them have carved those words on the wall, and was sure Jennie hadn't either.

"I really don't like what I'm seeing right now..." Rosé felt absolutely sick to her stomach. So many scary events has happened recently, she was definitely not ready for this too.

As the girls turned to get out of the bathroom, the door slammed shut. "GOD DAMNIT! I swear if something else happens I will end my own life.I can't deal with this stupid shit anymore!" Jisoo blurted out. "Chill out! Don't talk like that." Jennie hit her on the shoulder.

The medicine cabinet began to open up by itself. Prescription pills, bandaids, makeup and many other items were getting thrown all over the place. By a force.

Rosé had her face getting hit with pill bottles. She tried to use her hands as a shield. Which didn't work too well. "Ouch! My god! Can these things stop it already?!"

Jennie started to zone out. While Jisoo and Rosé were trying to find a way to stop the flying objects, she just stood there. Letting everything hit her no matter what.

The Last One Standing  • BLACKPINKUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum