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They brought Rosé into the police station and leaded her into the interrogation room. "Sit down." There were two men in the room as well. "Do you want a water bottle?" She sighed and placed her elbows on the table. "No thanks." "Okay then. So Roseanne. You know you are guilty for the murders of Yang Jaewon and Yoon Jiwoo , right?" She nodded in response. "So you just killed these two for no reason?" He raised his eyebrows. She kept her head down. "No." "Then tell us the reason!" One of the interrogators turned to the other and slammed his hand on the table. "Donghyun! Don't yell." "Sorry... sorry."

Rosé managed to chuckle even though she was trying to hold it in. "Why did you do it?" "I saw on my boyfriend's phone that he was texting this random girl so, I texted her from his phone to ask her to come over. She did and then I killed them both." He sighed in disbelief. "Do you feel any remorse in the slightest? It doesn't really seem like it." "Well half of me feels bad, I literally took people's lives! But then the other half of me doesn't care and tells myself it's worth it." The men wrote down notes on some paper a ocontinued to ask questions.

Meanwhile, Seulgi is in another room also getting questioned. This time one man was in the room.

"Why was Roseanne found in your house?" She stayed silent. The man shook his head and asked again. "Why was Roseanne found in your house?" She cracked. "After she kill them, she called me on the phone. I was surprised because we haven't talked to each other in years but she told me to come and pick her up and let her stay at my house for a while." The interrogator scoffed. "How long was she planning to stay?" "We never really talked about that but I guess forever to be honest. Since the whole country was looking for her." He nodded. "Now, how long have you had her at your house?" "2 weeks." "Do you realize you were harboring a fugitive?" She nodded. "I'm going to have to arrest you ma'am."

Seulgi didn't have anything to say. She was just thinking. Thinking about how much of a mess of a situation she had gotten herself into. All because she wanted some money.

2 chapters left!!

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