31. Jᴀɪᴅᴇɴ Jᴏɴᴇs

Start from the beginning

Some people said he was bad for Dev's health while others said he was a mere character that he will forget. 

Dev was showered with praises and found a permanent place on that stage through Jaiden. Jaiden Jones got famous with Dev's face and Dev became Jaiden for the people on the campus.

People saw Jaiden in him but no one knew how closely he related with Jaiden. If his life was misery then Dev's life wasn't any different as well.

Even after getting born into Bollywood's most reputed family, his life was never easy. People called him lucky, they said he was someone who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth but he paid the price as he grew.

The stardom came with expectations, burdens, negativity and finally, everything killed him little by little every day.

Something similar happened with Jaiden as well. It was a fictional character yet why did he feel real to people around him? Because Dev was telling his story through Jaiden. Because he was Jaiden.

"Understand him, Dev." His teacher said. He nodded. His eyes were blank and that was the reason that they thought he was a perfect match. But no one tried to understand the depth inside them.

On days, they would deliberately try to tell his story but for the rest of the days, they would be blank as if someone sucked everything from inside of him.

"He was alone despite being born into a royal family. He had many people surrounding him yet he was a lonely child," They explained.

"His parents didn't have time for him while bound by the responsibilities. He was stepped on many times. Imagine this and feel his pain as yours."

Little did they know that he went through the same pain since he was born. He was reliving his pain while acting in that play every day. He was sent to Norwich to get away from the reality of his life but little did he know he had to face it every day.

But in a way, it made him strong enough to face the worst truth his life held. Every night was dreadful as the flashes from his past would keep repeating continuously in his head.

Every morning would rise without any hope. His red eyes would make that character feel alive to people and despite all the praise, he would find himself lonely in that room again when night crawled in.

Still, it was better than home. He would console his heart. The dreadful night would repeat itself and he would see that little boy in his room again. He would be pleading and asking for help.

He didn't know no one would come but his older self knew the fate he held. His face would be covered in tears, his nose would be runny. He would sniff while coming closer to him and hold his hand while asking for help.

"He would come to get me again," he would whisper through tears and that voice will keep echoing in his head.

The footsteps would be followed and those will make him scared even in that empty room.

His hands would automatically find the switch and he would make sure if he was really alone there. The scars would start to bleed again and those haunted memories would come back to greet him again.

The nights and days were passing by fast yet he felt nothing. He found everything that was remaining inside him getting killed little by little as well. It was good for him. At least he could live with that big scar that was left on him.

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