t w e n t y- s i x

Start from the beginning

I don't trust people, or you could say that I don't trust myself with other people.

"Okay wait, let me put it on speaker," she said and I could hear low voices from the background telling me that Grayson is also seated near to the phone now.

"Hi Delilah," Grayson said sweetly and I could imagine him mustering up a small smile on his face as he says those words.

"Hi Grayson, I am sorry for disturbing you both, so late in the night," I said, feeling a little bad.

I could hear both of them chuckle lowly before Noor said again "Delilah you don't need to worry, you can call us anytime and we will be there for you, okay?" 

"Sure, yeah," I said, my heart feeling a little light but I know that feeling isn't going to be there for so long.

So I told them everything, starting from when I pressed the knife to his throat till when I told him that he should have been the one that died that night.

The more I kept talking, the more I realized something,

This sounds like such a Wattpad story, maybe I should write and publish it.

"He deserved it." Grayson finally said after a long period of silence. "But at the same time, he didn't know that you would feel guilty over your mother's death after what she did to you. So I can blame him but you aren't innocent either in this case."

I opened my mouth to argue but nothing came out, deep inside, I knew he was right. I have been ignoring maxwell for 2 weeks without any explanation right after telling him that I could give him a chance again.

I don't doubt my intentions, they were right but my way of execution was completely wrong.

But how can I be calm and composed with a guy who is going to lose his everything because of me?

"Delilah, stop overthinking. What you did was right in a way, trust me I don't blame you. But now please try to fix stuff with him, I can't see the both of you suffer so much."

"There is a lot left to the story than we know, Maxwell has a lot of secrets, and he will only ever tell them to you. So please, think of it as your revenge or as a closure but please let him speak about the past. Avoiding it won't do you both any better and I can't see you both suffer anymore." Grayson spoke almost pleadingly.

"Alright, so tell me what I should do now?" I sighed and questioned, I don't know if I am ready or not, but it has to be done. I have to get closure or my revenge.

"Don't apologize, you didn't say anything wrong to him, but try to win him over without saying sorry," Grayson says.

"That's like the worst advice I have ever heard." I groan and switch off the TV which was playing some music.

"Okay, fine" he takes a deep breath as if he is going to give me the most important advice in my life and continues "bake him a cake."

"What?" I ask bewildered, how is baking him a cake and apologizing (without apologizing) the same thing?

"Oh my god, this girl," he sighed yet again, and then spoke slowly as if he is talking to a child, "Have you never heard of the quote that says 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach'?Okay now tell me, what's his favorite flavor in a cake?"

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