A Very Werewolf Christmas by BekkaChaos

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Author: @BekkaChaos


It was the end of the year, the end of a long, long, year. It only felt right to celebrate the festive season together, as a pack. Stiles was going to make the most of it this year, what with having a boyfriend with his own place that he could make use of. He had so many plans in his eclectic brain that he had to make a list to get them out, and Erica helped him with that, Isaac too. For some reason the three of them were feeling extra festive this year.

The first thing on their holiday agenda, or the 'very werewolf Christmas' as Stiles had labelled it, was cracking Derek. Stiles knew that he played a big role in that step. While everybody had already put up their trees and lights, the loft was as dull and dreary as ever, not a candy cane in sight. So Isaac and Stiles headed to the loft with Scott to convince Derek that a little bit of decoration to get into the festive spirit wouldn't be such a bad thing.

As soon as the three of them showed up Derek knew something was up and rolled his eyes as he walked into the kitchen to pour himself a bowl of cereal and milk.

"So... there's this thing..." Stiles had said.

"What do you want?" Derek said in reply, not missing a beat as he put a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"We were wondering..." Isaac started.

"Hoping!" Stiles added.

"Yeah, hoping, we were hoping you wouldn't be opposed to... maybe putting up a few you know... holiday decorations?" Isaac said as more of a question than Stiles would have liked but they both looked hopefully up at Derek as Scott just laughed.

"So the three of you think that it would be a good idea to put up strands of foil and a big pointed tree with more strands of foil wrapped around it?" he asked flatly.

"I'm just here for moral support, it's those two that thought it would be a good plan. They have a list," Scott said, slightly more amused than he should have been.

Derek gave them both a look as they glowered over at Scott. "It's not so much a list as it is... ideas," Stiles shrugged.

"In list form," Isaac said.

Derek let out a huff and they both knew they were failing miserably. Stiles stepped forward and leant in close to Derek's ear.

"Okay, I know that you're not so fussed on the whole holiday thing because it's two weeks out from Christmas and you don't even have a tree and a whole bunch of other reasons but this place looks like a morgue compared to everything else in this town and I think you need to stop making it look like that on purpose. I know you don't like this stuff but please, it's Christmas, and you don't have to get me anything or even be nice to me in public but please can you try not to be like - the biggest sour wolf ever? Besides, Isaac lives here most of the time and if I have to endure these big plain walls much longer I am totally going to go crazy," he said, and Derek had worried that it was all in one breath and that he was going to pass out. "Come on Derek, you don't have to be miserable. Maybe a little bit of colour in this place will do you some good," he said, looking up at him with his big doe eyes.

Derek groaned and rolled his eyes again. "Fine. But no mistletoe," he said, taking his cereal and walking away from Isaac and Stiles' giddy expressions and Scott's chuckles.

"Why no mistletoe?" Scott said.

"Don't ask!" Derek called with his mouth full as he disappeared up the stairs.

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