Pt 2 A scrap

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Hopelessly looking out from the tinted windows, which were very hard to look out considering it was so dark, I couldn't help to think about who this 'jotaro and holly!' was, I mean I didn't even know I would be living with someone else let alone the Jostars they seemed so popular and rich I thought they were the type to ignore family or friends I am surprised Joseph even remembered my grandma. Susie q and her were Friends growing up it seemed almost the right thing to give me away to them although this happened all so quickly I mean so many weird things have happened to me Over the past year.

—-flash back——-
"Hey grandma"


"You there"
'Hhhm thats strange she is usually home by now.
Looking over the kitchen table sat a note that read
'Please visit the shop in need for groceries, I have important business to attend too, stay safe xx'
That's slightly concerning oh well I am sure she'll be fine.

Bending down to grab my bag in the hopes I have a few spare change to last a weeks worth of food before swiftly heading out the door locking it tightly behind me and briskly walk back down the dark street placing my head phones on guided under the street lamps .

Entering the store, briskly picking up the basket running round the store picking up as much needed.

"Balls" whispered under my breath

I could do with some sanitary shit, man being a woman is annoying some times yet I suppose It makes me feel slightly empowered to beat the crap outa someone giggling to myself.

Before I proceeded to check out, distant shuffles along the shop floor could be heard ,yet I remember entering on my own, I am sure it's nothing.

But before I gave the kind lady my money a heavy hand rested on my shoulder pulling it closer to them.

"Umm is this man with you?"she asked

Slowly turning my head round to see a rough and uneven looking man place a singular apple beside me, slightly slumped over my figure grinning at me with sinister eyes, causing me to go light headed and sick to the stomach.

"Umm... uh no sorry"
Trying to pull the creepy man away from me
Jesus how many fucking times does this happen, why me I am only a young girl
Starting to rage up in anger, pulling my groceries into my bag before sprinting out the shop trying my best to leave any traces of that happening in my mind.

"Hey,, .. come'er"

I froze dead in my tracks realising what might happen to me.

"Hey just leave me alone you creep, ok go bother someone else" finally plucking up the courage to say something to the guy.

"Who you calling CReEP" raising his tone leaving him charging at me in fury

'Shit I this is how I am gonna die-

Before he could take another step my fury built up inside of me leaving me with a weird sensation getting pulled out the side of my body almost like pulling out a splinter, causing me to fall to the ground.
looking up before me stood a 6'0 ft ...
A 6ft robot .. ghost thing
What the fuck is happening, before I could even begin to think the, bizarre being took a hard punch to the man, retracting a knife from its rist slitting the man's face.

Screeching at the top of my lungs packing my bags.

Scrambling back onto my feet sprinting back down the alley way into my flat, slamming the door tightly behind.

"Shit what just happened, was the a a r robot, it it just melted out my body!?"
Pacing my breathing

"Nah this can't be happing, just SHUT UP y/n it didn't happen, nothing happened!, I I just need a drink, yeah I'll be fine"

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