Chapter 14: Chaos and revelations

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"Phastos," Druig said after a while. "I need to control the mind of a celestial..."

"Okay," Phastos said and Artemis moved closer to him. "Get ready for it."

Artemis glanced at Kingo as Phastos worked on his design in midair. Kingo caught her eye and they stifled their laughter. It was clear that they had no idea what Phastos was planning.

Druig came to stand behind Artemis and shoved her playfully with his shoulder. She glanced back at him, smiling.

"Bracelets?" Kingo questioned and Artemis giggled again. "You made us bracelets?"

"So," said Phastos ignoring Kingos unenthusiastic response and Artemis's giggles. Druig was still shoving her playfully. "Here's a little celestial 101..."

"Celestials are the most powerful energy generators in the universe. When Arishem made us, he embed us with infinite consmic energy to keep our bodies regenerating."

"The bracelets," Phastos said now looking at Kingo. "In theory, shut down our regeneration process. And once that happens, our bodies accumulate extra cosmic energy..."

"What for?" Asked Sersei, looking as lost as Artemis felt.

"Well," Phastos explained. "If the deviants can absorb our energy, what if, we can absorb each other's energy as well?"

"So," Artemis said frowning at the bracelet design, trying not to sound stupid. "We'll be giving Druig our energy to help him control Tiamut?"

Phastos nodded. "If I can find a way to connect us all, one of us - that is Druig - could become immensely powerful, pulling the accumulated energy from the rest, forming a uni-mind."

Phastos clapped his hands together as he revealed this. Artemis raised her eyebrows and Druig smiled slightly, nodding. When no one else said anything, Phastos continued, clearly desperate for everyone to understand.

"Uni," he said. "Meaning one... Mind, meaning mind..."

"Oh no, we heard you the first time," said Kingo.

"Terrible name," Sprite said and Artemis rolled her eyes.

"Its not about the name," she snapped at Sprite, but before Sprite could retaliate, Kingo continued.

"We'll brainstorm," he said, then looking surprised, he exclaimed. "Brainstorm! That's a way better name."

"No, I invented it, so I'm calling it whatever I want." Phastos interjected.

Makkari cut off a brewing argument by waving her hands and started to sign rapidly.

"So, suppose Druig can, say... Put Tiamut to sleep... Then what?"

"We find the humans a new home on another planet," Sersei said.

"Are we building a big ship too?" Sprite asked sarcastically. "Take a pair of each animal."

Artemis made a violent motion of strangling Sprite in midair. Druig put his arms around her, kissing her neck. She huffed.

"Sprite," Phastos said. "You know what's never saved the planet? Your sarcasm..."

"Space colonisation could take decades," Sprite interjected.

"It can happen quickly with our help," Sersei pointed out.

"What if we accidentally end up killing Tiamut?" Kingo said. "We could be responsible for billions of lives not being created across the universe- boss am I right?"

Artemis snapped her head to Ikaris, who was standing cross armed listening to the conversation. Artemis frowned. Why did they see him as the boss?

"Say something Ikaris," Sprite said and Artemis couldn't hold her tongue anymore.

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