Chapter 13: The Domo and Makkari

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Present day, Iraq.

Neither Artemis or Druig spoke to any of the others as they made their way to Iraq. Phastos had been updated on what had happened since Ajak died, and was currently sitting in front of Artemis and Druig. They were starting their descent and the first light of the morning was shining through the tiny windows.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you," he said softly. Artemis, who had been drowsing on Druig's shoulder sat up, looking at Phastos. Druig nodded.

"But we can't go killing each other now," he continued. "We have to sort this out first."

Neither of them said anything. Artemis looked at Druig, she smiled.

"Yeah," Druig said after a minute. Speaking loudly so that the others could hear. "I'll get my revenge sooner or later."

Time was running out, so they decided to land Kingo's plane on-site of where they last left the Domo. Sprite had made sure to hide them from a group of humans who were busy excavating the area. Druig's eyes flashed yellow and the humans left.

Artemis took his hand as they walked over to where the humans had just been busy. She smiled as she saw the tiling they had unearthed.

"I remember this," she said and Druig, wearing his sunglasses followed her gaze. He smiled too.

"The kitchens," he said. "Oh the Babylonians knew how to make bread."

Artemis smiled, rolling her eyes.

"Is food all you ever think of?" Druig smiled slyly.

"That, and you."

Artemis shoved him playfully away from her as Phastos unearthed the Domo. Druig shoved her back, though harder than he intended and she fell, tripping over a rock.

"Druig," she huffed getting up, but she couldn't help smiling as he laughed at her.

She entered the Domo behind him, and they all made their way through its passages towards the centre.

Artemis rolled her eyes as Kingo and his valet friend continued with the making of their documentary. She jumped when a loud pop filled the air, causing Phastos to scream.

"Oh!" He shouted in surprise, turning to Thena. "Stay calm T, please..."

Thena looked at him, a small smile on her face as she lift her foot to reveal a pack of chips. Laughing slightly they all moved forward into the centre room, which was filled with all sorts of trinkets and collections.

"Makkari!" Artemis squealed, rushing forward and ignoring Phastos who was complaining about a sarcophagus in his lab. She pulled Makkari, who was sitting on a throne like chair, into a hug.

"Ready to go home?" Makkari signed.

It was awkward as they explained to her what had happened. Artemis and Druig moved around the room as Kingo filled in Makkari. Thena and Sprite were looking at Makkari's stolen artefacts while Phastos busied himself trying to work out a plan.

"Hey look," Artemis said grabbing a box of Twinkie's. Druig snatched it from her, shaking it.

Without speaking, Druig looked at Ikaris, who had an emerald tablet in his hands. They looked at each other and switched. Artemis rolled her eyes, he clearly compelled Ikaris to trade.

Artemis followed Druig back across the room to Makkari, holding out the tablet to her.

"What do you want with the emerald tablet," Druig asked her. She snatcher it out of his hands and smiled innocently at him and Artemis.

"Did you miss us?" Artemis signed to her and she smiled still more broadly and nodded.

"You two still together?" Makkari signed. Artemis smiled sadly before nodding while Druig signed to her what had happened.

Makkari looked disbelievingly at Sprite. Shaking her head she turned to look at them again.

"I'm sorry," she signed. Artemis smiled before hugging her in response.

A Love Beyond Time// Eternals Druig fanficWhere stories live. Discover now