You Don't Need to Know My Name to Love Me (Eren x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Are you alright?" (Y/N)'s eyes glanced down toward the boy's turquoise ones.

"Y-yeah... Thanks."

"I guess I'll be saving you every time we meet?" Confusion laced her features. "Oh, I rescued you from that Titan... Damn. I shouldn't have mentioned that. I mean- I don't- I'm sorry." His lips curled into a nervous smile. He shook his head before pulling her upright again. "Let me try again, hi." He held out his hand. She felt tears prick her eyes at the remembrance but she pushed it aside to accept his effort. "It's nice to meet you! Er, again..." His hand cupped his neck as he awkwardly tried to save himself again.

"It's alright... Thank you for saving me. How can I repay you?"

"O-oh it's no problem. Really. I was just doing my job." Her head tilted. "Oh! Do you not know...?"

"Know... what?" 

"About the Survey Corps?" (Y/N)'s eyes widened. He risked his life to participate in that blood bath? 

"Oh..." A frown made its way onto her face. She couldn't handle losing another person to those monsters... "Um... I should get going." He began to frown too before smiling brightly to cover it.

"Why don't I show you around? It's easy to get lost around here." She hesitated.  Would it be smart to get involved with someone who could easily die the next day? The boy noticed her eyes shine with rejection, so took it upon himself to pull her along by the hand. (Y/N) made a noise of surprise— too shocked to tear herself away. Perhaps a piece of her wanted to go along to temporarily push her feelings aside.

Her giggles echoed down the corridor. He had quite a knack for distracting her. So far, the boy had introduced her to all of his superiors along with a few of his friends. They were all really sweet; despite, the one girl who constantly offered to share some meat she had stolen. Well, she was nice... Just a bit strange. Then it occurred to her that she didn't know the boy's name. Well, a couple of his friends mentioned it, but she had forgotten due to having to remember so many other names! (Y/N) pulled the brown-haired boy to a halt. He turned toward her with a boyish grin.

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if-"

"Jaeger!" Abruptly, the raven-haired man from before marched up to the pair and scolded the boy. "Stable duty!"

"Yes, Sir..." He apologized to her before moping off to wherever he had been told to go. She watched him go before the man yanked her by the arm in the opposite direction. (Y/N) called out for him to release her, but he didn't listen. He continued to cut off circulation in her arm all the way to their destination. The man eventually let her go to wrench the door open. He pushed her inside and demanded her to sit in one of the two chairs facing a mahogany desk. She obliged and made herself comfortable. He strode to the desk and sat down.

She felt his eyes on her. It absolutely irked her when second after second ticked by without a word from the strange male. However, she used the opportunity to analyze him. His raven-hair, parted off-center, framed his countenance. Two silver irises poked through through narrowed eyelids. Confusion and frustration clouded them as they stared her down. She wondered what could possibly be running through his mind.

He had no idea what to think. How could he have a sibling after all these years? The results made zero sense. He stared down at the medical reports in disbelief. She looked nothing like him, but it didn't surprise him. His mother wasn't exactly a saint. At least from what Kenny told him. He looked back up at the girl.

"Tch." She shifted in her seat— startled at the first sound in mere minutes. "We're related." (Y/N) didn't utter a word. Did she hear him right?

"Related...? How?"

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