You Don't Need to Know My Name to Love Me (Eren x Reader)

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[Edited: July 14, 2019]

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"Run!" Tears ran down (Y/N)'s mother's face.

"I won't leave you!" The distance between the two females and the Titan grew shorter.

"Go, (Y/N), please!" Her mother's hands shoved her away to stop her from removing the wooden pole that pierced her belly. "I will bleed out if you remove it, so my death is-" A gasp escaped her lips as she was pried from the broken wood; unfortunately, it was not her daughter's doing.

"No!" (Y/N) desperately clutched onto her mother's foot as a humongous hand lifted her into the air-- almost as though she were levitating. However, this wasn't the childhood game between a toddler and their parent.

The girl felt dizzy once she realized how far away the ground had gotten. Black dots started to cloud her vision, and she became too paralyzed to use her other hand when her mother's lace-less shoe slowly slipped off. The pull of gravity became too strong as (Y/N) hurtled downwards. Her eyes subconsciously clenched shut, but her heart felt light at the silly thought that they would be together when it all ended.  It didn't last long though as something sent her flying causing the wind to knock out of her. An ache burned in her skull as she heard the crunch of gnashing teeth before slowly succumbing to darkness.


" sister? That's not- I don't have any family."

"We ran the tests, Sir. It traced back to you."

"Tch." (Y/N)'s eyes slowly adjusted to the sunlit room. 

"She's awake!" Blurry figures moved to and fro as she tried to focus on one constant object. She felt things poke and prod her body, and it made her incredibly uncomfortable. She tried to voice it, but her parched throat strangled her words to that of a croak.

"You can do that later."

"But, Sir, these tests are-"

"Get out." The blobs flew out the door, and finally, her eyes focused on him. A glass of water thrust itself into her face, and she graciously accepted it. The cold liquid deliciously poured down her throat. 

"Thank you... Who are you?" His eyes burned holes into hers. 

"No one." The raven-haired man briskly stormed out of the room. (Y/N) absentmindedly stared at the spot where he once stood. She moved to recline back only to become bombarded once more by nurses and doctors.

She remained in the infirmary for a couple of days until the personnel was sure her health would remain stable. The poor girl still felt as sick as she did when she first arrived since her mother had been ripped from her life. Tears welled in her eyes at the thought. No more "I love you"s or home-cooked meals or motherly protection. Everything she had ever known had vanished, and she wished she could have been swept away along with it. 

Where was her father? Probably fucking some poor slut. She didn't care though. If he still loved her, then maybe she'd welcome him back with open arms. She desperately needed some sort of family— even if they were a deadbeat. Anything would be better than rocking her self back and forth and drowning in her pathetic tears. She wanted someone to hold her. Give her their shoulder to cry on. 

Her fingers rubbed across her eyelids to wipe away the tears that had piled along her lashes. She didn't want to cry. She got out of the room they offered to her and left to go exploring. Her thoughts drifted her away to a land of daydreaming, and she collided with a hard surface. Her body stumbled backward as she prepared to bruise her ass, but the impact never came. She slowly opened her eyes to find a mop of brown hair.

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