alternate universe | peter parker

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peter #1- tom hollandpeter #2- andrew garfieldpeter #3- toby mcguire

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peter #1- tom holland
peter #2- andrew garfield
peter #3- toby mcguire

as spider-man took off his mask, (y/n), mj, and ned all gasped.

"who are you?" mj cried. (y/n) should've been alarmed.

she could hear the alarm in mj's voice, and she should've felt scared at this knockoff spider-man who wasn't her best friend peter parker, but she couldn't. all she could feel was something lighter. something more nostalgic, almost as if she recognized him. she stepped forward, cutting mj off of mid-sentence.

"(y/n)." he whispered. she gasped. "i-"

"you know me somehow. don't you?" (y/n) asked. her voice became more steady with every word. "we-we know each other."

he nodded. (y/n) couldn't help but notice that there were tears in his eyes. the next 15 minutes were a blur of figuring out that this peter was really just peter from another universe, and that the other peter was a peter from another universe. it made her head spin, but (y/n) couldn't help but think about peter #2. (y/n) slowly made her way over towards the 2 peter's she had just familiarized herself with, but stopped when she heard peter #2 talking to the other peter.

"who did you lose?" peter #3 asked peter #2. (y/n) stopped and stayed around the corner, not revealing herself as she listened.

she knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help it.

"my mj. her name was (y/n) (y/l/n), and she was perfect." peter #2 sighed. "it's so hard seeing her here, and watching her not know who i am. she-she's the exact same as she was in my universe. beautiful, kind, intuitive, silly. the funny thing is, we all look different, but my (y/n) and this peter's (y/n) are exactly the same."

"wow. that must be tough. are you gonna tell her?"

"i'm gonna have too. i can't go back without telling her everything i didn't get too before she died. that i love her, she's the only person i've ever loved. that i wanna get married to her and have kids with her and be with her forever. that i'm sorry i couldn't save her. that i know she doesn't know me and doesn't love me but somehow this universe is giving me a chance to tell her these things and i needed to see her. that i would give anything to kiss her one more time." (y/n) could barely contain herself. tears came to her eyes.

"you really love her don't you?" peter #3 asked.

"more than anything in the world. ya know i gave up spider-man after she died. i didn't know how to go on with her."

"i almost gave up after i lost my uncle ben."

"it hurts. it hurts so badly. i never moved on. i never learned how to be happy without her because she was my everything. and i couldn't save her. what's the point in being spider-man if i can't save the person that means the most to me? and now, when we go back, i'm gonna have to leave her again."

"why don't you tell her?"

"i don't know." peter #2 sighed. "what if she's in love with someone else? what if she's engaged or married."

"she's not wearing a ring."

"okay that's true. i just, i don't know. i'm nervous. if i lose her because she doesn't want me, that's almost worse." (y/n) couldn't take it anymore. she walked around the corner and into the room, where both peter's looked up at her.

"peter-" (y/n) looked at peter #2 with so much emotion in her eyes it brought him to tears. "i'm sorry."

she wiped a tear from her eye and he looked down.

"i know. me too." he whispered. he walked towards her and put a hand on her cheek. "we'll talk later. we need to fight now."

(y/n) nodded. throughout the battle, all she could think about was him. he clearly loved her, and a part of her felt this deep connection to him. maybe the part of her that was from his universe. either way, she was so distracted and couldn't think as she walked towards her peter. she didn't notice the creature in front of her, or the blur that knocked her over.

(y/n) threw her arms out to catch herself after the harsh impact, but there was no railing.

"(y/n)!" all three peter's screamed. peter #1 lunged off the side to get her.

despite his best efforts to reach out to her, he was knocked by a hand into the side of the tower and she continued falling. clenching her eyes shut, she waited for the impact to kill her, whispering a silent goodbye to all the peter's. the impact never came. instead, a gasp forced her to rip her eyes open. peter #2 held her gently and looked down at her.

"thank you." (y/n) whispered. he was breathing heavily.

"(y/n)." he whispered. "you-you made it. you're alive. you're ok. i got you."

he held her close and she wrapped her arms around him. it was very obvious that to him, saving her was not only the right thing to do but also represented everything he wasn't able to do when he couldn't save her in his universe.

"i'm okay." (y/n) whispered. "you saved me."

before she could blink, they had won. dr. osborne was saved, and the battle was over.

"well. i guess it's time for us to leave." peter #3 said. "it was nice to meet you peter, peter, mj, ned, (y/n). hopefully, we'll meet again someday."

with that, he winked at peter #2 and walked back through the portal into his own universe. peter #2 smiled weakly. peter #1 and ned were herded away by mj so the two could say their goodbyes.

"thanks for saving me." (y/n) teared up. "i-i wish you didn't have to go."

"yeah." he whispered. his eyes were leaking tears and he couldn't bring himself to speak. "goodbye, (y/n)."

without another word, he sighed and turned, walking through his portal. (y/n)'s shoulders sagged and began shaking as she cried. a hand on her shoulder snapped her out of it. it was peter #1.

"i-i'm gonna miss him." (y/n) mumbled. peter #1 pulled her into a hug, and that's when she noticed mj and ned both looking at her with sad eyes.

"go." peter #1 whispered. (y/n) pulled away and raised a brow at him. "go. he needs you more than we do. and more importantly, you need him."

(y/n) giggled.

"but-but what about-"

"(y/n)," this time it was ned who spoke up, "we'll always be here. you can visit us whenever you want. go to him. please."

she rushed over and pulled both mj and ned into a bonecrushing hug.

"i love you guys." tears spilled over. "goodbye, ned. mj, i'll miss you. peter. don't you ever change."

she turned and dashed through the portal, leaving a sad peter #1, mj, and ned behind, grinning because they knew this is what was best for their best friend.

"PETER!" (y/n) screamed. he stopped and his eyes widened as she crashed into him, knocking him to the ground with a hug. "i-i don't know why. but, it's you. it's always been you. i just didn't know it until i met you."

peter looked at her with pure love in his eyes.

"i love you so much, (y/n)." without waiting, she pushed herself to meet him and pressed her lips up against his. when they pulled apart, he let out a joyous laugh. "i-i promise you'll be safe."

he pulled her into a hug.

"i'll never let anything hurt you again." (y/n) smiled as he just held her. she was finally happy.

saw this basic idea of the reader being andrew garfield's love interest in his universe but they met in holland's universe and just ran w it. hope u like it

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