Creator Headcanons

761 14 23

he stinks where is Lemonade Stand Farm Skin

× god

× he's basically God of the TDS Universe; made everything

× the Towers were pests that he didn't make. They destroyed almost everything he made

× crackhead energy

× he's a god yeah, but he's really stupid

× was awesome when he started making everything. like, girls (and boys who wanted to be girls) screaming awesome

× used to be very god-like in appearance. So like, he was very golden themed; was pretty much BelowNatural avatar but if it became Hot Squidward

× after his life creations were being mutilated, he started to turn to what we see now

× he dance dance

× gamer

× will intrude on battles to try and kill the Towers as he's very resentful towards them despite the growing relationship between the two species

× can't control the Titans like Void Reaver can. he's pretty much a myth to the Titans at this point; a children's tale

× isn't a Titan despite the appearance, he's something unknown

× la creature

× could crush the Earth, but refuses to do it with Titans still on it

× has kibby/pubby, depends on whether BelowNatural is a dog or cat person

× dumpster diver, it's where he gets his ideas now

× you may be asking; why doesn't he just make more Titans to fight the Towers? Answer; slow updates

× goofball <3

× goofygoober winner

× energy drink extraordinaire

× eats popcorn while watching Gravedigger get absolutely destroyed

× so so silly!

× will maul you though

× doesn't come to Earth very often. never seen unless trying to kill some Towers, which he usually succeeds in

× no super swag weapon like the other Titans :(

× don't need one when you got charming looks, fists, and the powers of a god

× instead of trying to save what he built, probably watches YouTube all day with a bag of cheese chips

× he humgry he'll get to it after a snack

× enter purring sfx

× could probably loaf if he tried hard enough

× nerf gun collection

× dog sniffing at camera meme

× would probably fight for scraps in the dumpster, feral animal

here's your food quit crying

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