Fallen / Swordmaster Headcanons

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barfs, dont even like this guy but im trying

× Swordmaster and Fallen Swordmaster are the same. Swordmaster just got corrupted and oop, he now the void.

× The best titan at sword combat. Made a few of the others cry while training them.

× Likes to take things old school as his theme circles around the earlier days of Roblox when sword fighting was basically Adopt Me.

× When I mean old school, I mean, "kill human till human dead, no let anything live." Yeah he'll kill towers. But this was before he became Fallen.

× Once becoming Fallen, he basically loses all his skills from previous. So he quickly regains them back, using his new found power to further his advancement.

× Crafts weapons for almost all the titans that aren't complete savages. He makes them in the one volcano map im not bothered to remember.

× Very anti-social. Prefers to keep alone when not needed.

× Still prefers to handle the Towers by straight up killing them, but can't due to being under the control of the Void Reaver.

× Is actually quite curious, especially of the melee towers.

× Fat fucking softee underneath, touch starved beyond saving.

× Spends a lot of time napping, just one big tired boi.

× Pet him? You will feel like you're going through an earthquake and purr til you escape, which will be difficult because you are now his prisoner. Shouldn't of petted him, stupid.

× Most likely spawned from a great sword user who got their ass bit by a zombie. Ouchy!

× Favorite food? Mmm! Chesburger!

× Also likes Bloxy Cola can't forget that.

a friend who played Roblox back in like 2011 helped me as I didn't start playing til like 2019 or 2020, something like that. They're a big old Roblox nerd.

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